That's part of the indoctrination making us think we are incapable of making a decision, doubting ourselves. The "elite" media, who lives in Washington, D.C., NYC, Chicago and Los Angeles, are much more capable of us bible thumping, beer chugging, gun toting morons who make far less money than they do, so it is their right to tell us morons how to vote.
They detest Sarah Palin because she is pro-life and stands for things liberals hate.
They worship Sen. Obama, so we are supposed to worship him too. He has been sent to us and is known as "The One."
They don't like Sen. McCain because he is old and a Republican.
We need to be told what to think, because we are incapable of thinking. We need to be told who to vote for because once we get into that booth, we don't know what to do.
What would we do without these journalists