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Should the German Nazi werewolf be banned?

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--- Quote from: germanwerewolf on September 06, 2006, 05:24:37 PM ---all people,all races are energy. death is not final our physical bodies are only one form of energy like h20 we can transform into another form of energy. soon Iran and Israel along with support from syria and factions of the former soviet union will be at war over Iran,s decision not to halt their nuclear enrichment program. Once the israelis and iranians and syrians have beaten the living snot out of each other. the armies of thule flying the flag of the european union will march into this conflict and mediate a cease fire at which time
the leader of thule will establish a base in iraq which is also known as babylon. all this will come before 12/31/2012.

--- End quote ---
You must be smoking crack cocaine!  Are you high on drugs?

Where will you get the people to form these armies? 

White Europeans have a negative birth rate.  The muslims have a very high birth rate.

The median age amongst white Europeans is very high compared with that of their muslim counterparts. 

Most white Europeans are lazy comfortable appeasers.  The last thing they want is to fight anybody.  They remember WWII and do not EVER want to relive that, and so they appease their enemies and bury their head in the sand. 

By the way, schizophrenia is treatable from what I've heard. ;)

And you STILL haven't answered any of my quesions!

In 1965 at Holloman air force base,miliatary personel meet with a group of EBE,S they were escorted to a hangor where
the later meet with high ranking members of the Majestic 12. George H Bush sr was a member of majestic 12. manny members of Majestic have left and have bemome new members of thule. true thule members are able to work the magik
of old due to a chemical inbalance in the thyroid gland. these thule members can by useing their minds full potential manifest
beings of energy,open star gate portols to multiple dimensions.... saddam Hussein had found a stargate beneath the sands of Iraq. this was the weapon of mass destruction that George w Bush had reffered to as justifying the attack on Iraq. stargate is not a myth or a tv show. It is a device that works on telepathy and electro-magnetic and nuclear energy!
it is like a f5 twister that can open a portol or worm hole to another frequency. masters of thule are exactly like your fictional sith lords or jeddi. they can control elements,or the will power of weaker souls.

I did not ever say these armies would be human.


--- Quote from: germanwerewolf on September 06, 2006, 05:37:16 PM ---In 1965 at Holloman air force base,miliatary personel meet with a group of EBE,S they were escorted to a hangor where
the later meet with high ranking members of the Majestic 12. George H Bush sr was a member of majestic 12. manny members of Majestic have left and have bemome new members of thule. true thule members are able to work the magik
of old due to a chemical inbalance in the thyroid gland. these thule members can by useing their minds full potential manifest
beings of energy,open star gate portols to multiple dimensions.... saddam Hussein had found a stargate beneath the sands of Iraq. this was the weapon of mass destruction that George w Bush had reffered to as justifying the attack on Iraq. stargate is not a myth or a tv show. It is a device that works on telepathy and electro-magnetic and nuclear energy!
it is like a f5 twister that can open a portol or worm hole to another frequency. masters of thule are exactly like your fictional sith lords or jeddi. they can control elements,or the will power of weaker souls.

--- End quote ---
I confess.  I am truly foolish.  

This man is either completely insane or a VERY bad comedian.  You think that I would have saved my breath.


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