Author Topic: Just when I think muslim men can't top themselves...they do.  (Read 6175 times)

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Re: Just when I think muslim men can't top themselves...they do.
« Reply #25 on: October 23, 2008, 08:45:52 AM »
Regarding the subject of the thread, I must point out.

"To top yourself", is UK slang for killing yourself.
(and some not familiar with the term, may be under the misconception that it means something sad and sexual a mad man might do if very depressed and desperate, so I wouldn't use the term at all personally!)

A better word would be outdo / outdone, as in
"I didn't think muslim men could outdo themselves" or "they have outdone themselves".  or "Not to be outdone, they have now..."

If you check a thesaurus,  you see other obvious words to.  "surpass", but it's not quite as good in this case.

Offline AryehYehudah

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Re: Just when I think muslim men can't top themselves...they do.
« Reply #26 on: October 23, 2008, 08:53:41 AM »
I understand you are a Serbian Jew and have to unite with Serbians, but stop turning a blind eye to some of garbage you are reading..  

Shalom brother AryehYehudah,

well actually I am not a Serbian Jew but a Jew descended from Polish and Lithuanian Jews who currently lives in the United States. And no I am not coming to anybody's rescue - I am actually trying to ask legitimate questions here that are important to me as a JTF member. So brother, please tell me what kind of "garbage" should I be reading here instead of ignoring in your opinion?

Shalom Josh,
WEll go and review some of his posts, it is exhaustive and I cannot say it all.  But in this board alone, he has come to the defense of muslims, insulted and attacked Americans, for slaughtering the Natives.  I guess he won't complain about natives or other people that Serbians had to fight to gain their land many years ago.  Maybe he will also insult us Israelis for having to slay the Canaanites.  Anyhow, his facts are bogus and he is totally brainwashed with liberal leftist propaganda.  Josh, if Americans did not settle in USA and take control of this land, would you have been alive today?  Would have native americans come to fight against Adolf Hitler or liberate nazi camps?  Would you be living in USA today?    So, maybe you should tell your friend to go read up on some facts, before he goes wild with his tongue talking about how our founding fathers are murderers of innocent natives, many who spend their lives fighting each other.   

Also, go review some of Dalmacija's other posts, he gives honor to the virulent Anti-semite Hugo CHavez.  He refers to him as a good man and ally of Putin.  Did you forget Putin, the man he constantly defends, was the head of the KGB? Also, he says America oppresses third world countries and Americans treat foreigners bad.  This is the same crap that Obama and Friends are using to brainwash Americans to vote for him.  In reality, it is the opposite, third world people treat AMericans bad and demand money and are extremely ungrateful when they get it.  Also, many of these "turd world" people (taken from Mar Zutra  ;D), are infesting our country and living tax free and getting free medical care, while the "evil" Americans as Dalmacija refers to them are working 12 hours a day, paying taxes to support them.  Not to mention these peace, loving third worlders help bring massive amounts of drugs and guns into our country, so us evil white American people can be afarid to go out at night.    He also constantly condemns Americans for defending their land against Muslims.  He always says we are killing innocent muslims, as if muslims are innocent at all.  I am yet to hear him say anything with condolences about the innocent americans who were murderd in the World Trade CEnter by muslim terrorists.  No , he comes here and says America will soon be destroyed for hating Serbia. 

If you support him with all these lefist and bogus rants or will deny he said them, then  I don't really feel you support JTF either, regardless of the fact your Jewish.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2008, 09:00:49 AM by AryehYehudah »

Offline q_q_

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Re: Just when I think muslim men can't top themselves...they do.
« Reply #27 on: October 23, 2008, 08:59:09 AM »
I hate American foreign policy. But I said many times that I do not hold the American regular people responsible for the crimes of their criminal government..

You may not be aware of this, but
to say you hate american foreign policy, is the kind of thing that a leftist would say, meaning he'd answer these questions a certain way.   So you may want to clarify.

You don't agree with america taking out saddam hussein?

What don't you like about being in iraq. Killing terrorists?

Do you hate the fact that America gives money to israel, hating it for a leftist reason, i.e. that you don't want israel to succeed?

Do you think it is a rational position to hate american policy per se, i.e. hate anything america does in another country, before they've even done it?

Is it only american foreign policy, or do you only single out america. How about other country's "foreign policies", like Iran?

Why don't you clarify particularly which foreign policies you agree with, and which you don't.

It seems to me that forcing saddam hussein into a hole, and taking him out, captured, was one of the most brilliant and impressive acts of justice ever!


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Re: Just when I think muslim men can't top themselves...they do.
« Reply #28 on: October 23, 2008, 09:04:38 AM »

I'm not really sure what the indians have to do with muslim lunatic murderers or why you are making any comparison to the U.S. - or why you decided to basically ruin this thread. None of us know anyone who even has a great grandfather who had anything to do with the indians but the muslim nazis are doing these horrible deeds today. And attacking Ruby and the others over something so ridiculous and comparing them to this "culture" you claim to "know" about is absurd.

I'm not sure what you agenda is with this but I would advise you to stop making trouble, causing fights, and bashing Americans. I'm tired of the fighting. We need unity to be effective so we can save our children and our grandchildren from these beasts. This is a warning.


I will answer in private...

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Re: Just when I think muslim men can't top themselves...they do.
« Reply #29 on: October 23, 2008, 09:31:20 AM »
"If you support him with all these lefist and bogus rants or will deny he said them, then  I don't really feel you support JTF either, regardless of the fact your Jewish."

Shalom Brother AryehYehudah,

I  doubt that Dalmacija actually believes in his heart that he has come to the defense of muslims who killed Americans in the World Trade Center. Sure, he may have said some stuff which many of us would regard as liberal or leftist, but after several private conversations with him in which I confronted him over what he said and why he said it, I am now firmly convinced that he did it in response to what he perceived as an attack on him personally for defending his faith and his nation against Nazis and Fascists sponsored by our government.

Also, from what I can see in corresponding with him privately is that not only is he staunchly anti-nazi and anti-fascist, but he is also very pro-Israel in his outlook.Dalmacija believes people should be judged by their ACTIONS and not what religion or ethnic group they belong to. I believe he is only trying to defend his culture and religion just as much as any of us right-wing Jews here on JTF who live in the US defend Judaism and America. He does NOT support Iran or the Islamofascist mullahs who control it. Russia is a traditional centuries long ally of the Serbs (look up the Russo-Turkish Ottoman wars of the 19th century which helped free Serbia from nearly 500 years of occupation by the Ottoman Turkish Islamic savages).

Please understand what Chaim has said about that nearly 500 year long occupation of Serbia by the genocidal Islamic Ottoman savages.OVER THESE 500 YEARS MILLIONS OF SERBS WERE MURDERED BY HAVING THEIR HEADS CUT OFF OR THEIR HEARTS AND INTESTINES RIPPED OUT. Russia helped tremendously to free Serbia from the 500 year long slavery and genocide perpetrated by the Ottoman Turkish Islamic savages.The Serbs cannot overlook that help and that part of their history as it relates to their traditional kinship with the Russian people.

Serbs acknowledge and support Russians because of their common Orthodox Christian religion and culture. However, this does not automatically mean that all Serbs now support the Russian government's stance on Iran no more than any of us here support our government's stance on Saudi Arabia or our decades long covert support for the religious mullahs in Iran for that matter.

I strongly recommend you read the articles by Prof. Dr. Francisco Gil-White on the covert relationship between our government and that of Iran. All of the documentation on our covert relationship with Iran and how we deliberately contained/weakened Iraq in order to strengthen Islamist Iran can be seen on Dr. Gil-White's pro-Israel website "Historical and Investigative Research"

PLEASE READ ALL OF THE ARTICLES at the following links:



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Re: Just when I think muslim men can't top themselves...they do.
« Reply #30 on: October 23, 2008, 09:41:10 AM »
WEll I am glad Dalmacija has a Jewish apologist to make up for his mistakes.  But you have painted a pretty picture of him and totally brushed off many of the complaints I and others have made.  Please don't go into the whole history and speech about how the Serbians bravely fought the Ottomans and were victims of Nazi oppression.  Yes, I know and I said if Serbia stops supporting Russia and denying the oppression of Jews by the Russians,  I would support them 100%.  That is DIFFERENT SUBJECT, BTW.  I said I support Serbians regaining Kosovo and admit they were oppressed and respected their bravery.  That does not excuse Dalmacija and his definate leftist, liberal statements he is making.  Every time he writes this crap, you and he go and run and hide, starting to preach about Serbia, its history, how Dalmacija just feels bad how Americans bombed him.  Please stop it!  Lets focus on the immediate things being said. 

You still haven't answered why Dalmacija supports the Jew hater Hugo Chavez?  Also, you refused to answer my questions about Dalmacija insulted the founding fathers of America as being murderers of natives.  This is an atrocious and false claim and I think he is an ungrateful soul for posting this here.  If you are going to enable and deny this, I will just excuse you as being blind or being an advocate of his stupid statements.   And , if you do agree with Dalmacija, please get on the next plane, go to Russia or Serbia and live your life there; because evil American people don't need you.  I am sure you will enjoy living in Russia more, right? 

Please stop making up for all his mistakes and reread what I just wrote.  I don't need any more Serbian history on this post, its off the subject.  Being Serbian, doesn't give you a free pass to promote evil leftist rhetoric on JTF.   Thank you.

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Re: Just when I think muslim men can't top themselves...they do.
« Reply #31 on: October 23, 2008, 11:55:04 AM »

a. While there is no question that a grave injustice was done to the Serb people by successive U.S. governments, Serbs who express anti-Americanism are only hurting their cause. This will guarantee that the U.S. will work against Serbia not only in Kosovo but in every situation. It is true that current U.S. policy is anti-Serb, but JTF's goal is to change that situation. We can only succeed if we convince Americans that the Serbs should be America's allies. Americans will never believe that that is possible if they hear anti-Americanism from Serbs. It is very difficult to change U.S. policy in the Balkans because the news media, the diplomats and the politicians are all anti-Serb. But the American people are not anti-Serb. Most Americans know nothing about the Balkans. JTF believes that we should try to persuade the American people to demand a change in U.S. policy.

b. The Serbs are supported by Russia, and JTF is happy to see that. But that does not change the fact that other Russian policies are very dangerous and harmful. It is primarily Russia which is building Iran's nuclear bomb-making program that threatens the survival of America and Israel. We do not ask our Serb friends not to accept support from Russia. On the contrary, we want Russia to support the Serbs. But our Serb friends cannot ask us to ignore Russia's evil actions in regard to Muslim Nazi terrorist Iran, a nation that openly promises to destroy America and Israel. So we as American Christians and Jews are very much opposed to the Russian regime and regard Russia as an enemy. The Serbs understandably regard Russia as a friend. But in our view, the only moral position is to say that Russia's policy in the Balkans is good while Russia's policy in Iran is evil.

c. Anyone who provokes fighting on this forum is harming the cause. Legitimate discussion and debate is fine, but deliberately creating division and conflict will not be tolerated. That means that anyone who goes into the Serb forum unprovoked just to start attacking our Serb friends is harming the cause. But it also means that Serbs who express anti-American views or who provoke unnecessary conflict are harming the cause. We should all be cooperating and working together.

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Re: Just when I think muslim men can't top themselves...they do.
« Reply #32 on: October 23, 2008, 03:17:51 PM »
WEll I am glad Dalmacija has a Jewish apologist to make up for his mistakes.  But you have painted a pretty picture of him and totally brushed off many of the complaints I and others have made.  Please don't go into the whole history and speech about how the Serbians bravely fought the Ottomans and were victims of Nazi oppression.  Yes, I know and I said if Serbia stops supporting Russia and denying the oppression of Jews by the Russians,  I would support them 100%.  That is DIFFERENT SUBJECT, BTW.  I said I support Serbians regaining Kosovo and admit they were oppressed and respected their bravery.  That does not excuse Dalmacija and his definate leftist, liberal statements he is making.  Every time he writes this crap, you and he go and run and hide, starting to preach about Serbia, its history, how Dalmacija just feels bad how Americans bombed him.  Please stop it!  Lets focus on the immediate things being said. 

You still haven't answered why Dalmacija supports the Jew hater Hugo Chavez?  Also, you refused to answer my questions about Dalmacija insulted the founding fathers of America as being murderers of natives.  This is an atrocious and false claim and I think he is an ungrateful soul for posting this here.  If you are going to enable and deny this, I will just excuse you as being blind or being an advocate of his stupid statements.   And , if you do agree with Dalmacija, please get on the next plane, go to Russia or Serbia and live your life there; because evil American people don't need you.  I am sure you will enjoy living in Russia more, right? 

Please stop making up for all his mistakes and reread what I just wrote.  I don't need any more Serbian history on this post, its off the subject.  Being Serbian, doesn't give you a free pass to promote evil leftist rhetoric on JTF.   Thank you.

Shalom Brother AryehYehudah,

you write: "WEll I am glad Dalmacija has a Jewish apologist to make up for his mistakes."

Very interesting observation brother. Please be specific. What exactly have I written here on JTF in defense of the Serbs that you disagree with? Please be exact by providing an exact quote with appropriate URL links.

"But you have painted a pretty picture of him and totally brushed off many of the complaints I and others have made.

Please be specific. Exactly where and when have I supposedly "painted a pretty picture of him" and allegedly "brushed off" the "many complaints" about him that you and others have made?

"I said if Serbia stops supporting Russia and denying the oppression of Jews by the Russians,  I would support them 100%."

Oh really brother? And what if the Serbs here on JTF would say: "If America stops supporting the Iranian and Saudi-backed Albanian Islamofascist KLA, the Bosnian Islamofascist terrorist SDA and the Croatian neo-Ustasha Nazi HDZ party - all of whom together have been responsible for the murder of over 2 Million Serbs, Jews and Roma in Yugoslavia in the 20th century and the brutal expulsion of over 2 Million more Serbs since 1990 - then we Serbs will support all Americans 100%"

Would you feel that such a statement would be fair and reasonable, brother AryehYehudah? If not, then why do you insist on making such an unreasonable and unfair demand of the Serbs here on JTF?

Are you aware of the fact that what I have written here on JTF regarding what our government has done to the half a Million Serbs and Jews of Kosovo since 1990- amounting to genocide - is based entirely on AMERICAN Jewish and pro-Israel gentile sources?

"You still haven't answered why Dalmacija supports the Jew hater Hugo Chavez?  Also, you refused to answer my questions about Dalmacija insulted the founding fathers of America as being murderers of natives."

Brother AryehYehudah, I am not Dalmacija's mom or dad so I have no obligation to justify or defend or agree with every single comment he makes here on JTF. Presumably both you and he are fully grown adults. If you feel so strongly about it, why don't you confront him about this issue in private to see what he has to say about it in his defense? I would like to see which comments you refer to specifically where Dalmacija says he unequivocally and unconditionally supports Hugo Chavez. Please be specific by providing a direct quote with URL links. Have you confronted him in private about these alleged comments in support of Chavez? What was his response to you, if any? Did he explain to you why he allegedly supports Chavez?

Regarding the comment he made about the "founding fathers of America as being murderers of natives"

Again I repeat: I am not Dalmacija's mom or dad so I have no obligation to justify or defend or agree with every single comment he makes here on JTF. I have already informed him in private that I do not believe the American people are responsible for that if it indeed occurred. Presumably both you and he are fully grown adults. If you feel so strongly about it, why don't you confront him about this issue in private to see what he has to say about it in his defense and to provide supporting documentation?

And , if you do agree with Dalmacija, please get on the next plane, go to Russia or Serbia and live your life there; because evil American people don't need you.  I am sure you will enjoy living in Russia more, right? 

Oh please brother, you are being overly melodramatic. Many of us on JTF can agree to disagree on JTF about many different things.However if and when any of us do disagree, I think it is rather immature, puerile and immensely impolite to each other to start saying things like "get on the next plane, go to Russia or Serbia and live your life there; because evil American people don't need you. I am sure you will enjoy living in Russia more, right?"

Also you write: "Being Serbian, doesn't give you a free pass to promote evil leftist rhetoric on JTF.Thank you."

Sure, I fully agree brother AryehYehudah that Serbs here should not be anti-American (meaning hating America the way liberals and leftists hate our country as a whole, hating her history, people and culture). But being Jewish and American doesn't give you or me or anyone else here on JTF free reign to be impolite and disrespectful to our Serbian brothers and sisters as you clearly were when you jumped in on the Save Serbia sub-forum a few weeks ago as a newbie and posted comments attacking the entire Christian Orthodox religion and ALL Orthodox Christian countries - which of course includes Serbia - condemning these nations as being as evil as Islam and that "they should all go to hell with the rest of the Islamonazi bastards".You also viciously and falsely attacked the Serbs as having "a Nazi past" during World War 2 (complete and utter BS, as I pointed out to you at the time and which you now finally acknowlege, and which I deeply respect and admire you for in admitting your mistake).

May I remind you that when you posted your first thread here entitled "Why is there a Save Serbia section" of the kind of language you used against the entire Orthodox Christian faith as well as specifically against Serbia and the Serbs? This is how you began your thread - with the following words:

"Why does a Jewish website support a country [Serbia] that has been preaching that Jews are lowlife Christ killers."

"Don't you know Orthodox Christians countries have hated Jews for many more centuries than muslims.  I mean this anti-Jew feeling from Muslims is new age phenomenon and now equally as bad."

"Bunch of scumbags..  I think all Orthodox Christian countries should go to hell with rest of islamonazi bastards." 

"Orthodox christian church is still the one church who claims that Jews are Christ killers and that they are most evil race on planet..."

Well brother AryehYehudah, many, many Western Christian churches have taught that very thing throughout their 2,000 year old history and I did not see you condemning them, but the Serbian Orthodox Christian church teaches no such thing. If that were true then the Orthodox Christians such as the Serbs of Yugoslavia would have fought on the side of Hitler instead of against him and would not have risked their very lives to save tens of thousands of Jews living in wartime Yugoslavia, now would they?

I asked you as a gesture of goodwill to apologize to our Serbian brothers and sisters for these remarks made at the time especially considering the fact that you have admitted  now that you were very ignorant about Serbia and the Serbs and their Christian Orthodox faith. I am still waiting for the apology, brother AryehYehudah. Thank you.



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Re: Just when I think muslim men can't top themselves...they do.
« Reply #33 on: October 23, 2008, 05:40:21 PM »
"By the way, they are so brave when it comes to shooting women and children and burning little girls, but when they are faced with soldiers they hide behind them.  I guess they hide behind their women and children during a battle and after the battle is over, then they burn them.

What a bunch of miserable little cowards."

Shalom brother zachor_ve_kavod,

what you have just described above would fit the behavior of the Croatian Ustasha Nazis perfectly.The only serious problem for many of us here on JTF is this:  the Croat Ustasha Nazis are Roman Catholic murderers and not muslim murderers.The Roman Catholic Ustasha Nazi Croats allied themselves with the Bosnian muslims during the Holocaust of over 1 Million Serbs, Jews and Roma in the Independent State of Croatia (NDH) from 1941 to 1945. Most of the senior German Nazi leaders were raised as Roman Catholics and most of the quisling nations of the Axis powers and satellite states of the Axis were of the Roman Catholic religion.Yet there are many decent, righteous Roman Catholic brothers and sisters here on JTF whom we dearly love and appreciate for their valuable support of Jewry and Israel.

So I think the answer sought by brother Dalmacija is this:

Please explain why one should condemn ALL people belonging to any religion (or ethnic group) as being "pure evil" that deserve to be exterminated or expelled. Doesn't this make us as bad as the Nazis and/or Fascists for condemning ALL members of a particular faith (or nationality/ethnic group) as being beyond redemption and suitable only for extermination or expulsion? Isn't this position of desiring the complete biological extermination and/or expulsion of ALL members of an ethnic group/nationality/religion rather hypocritical and immoral for us as Jews who should behave as "a light unto the nations" of this world?



I don't think all muslims are evil, I think Islam is evil.  I feel sorry for people like that little girl, who through no fault of her own, was born into this monstrous culture.  I know muslims (like my former boss) who love Israel and the Jews, hate the mujahadeen, treats his wife like an equal, and has taught his children to love Canadian culture, society, and law.  I know people are going to say that he's either lying or he's not really a muslim, but I don't think that this is true.  What I would say, is that he rose above the primitive, retrograde culture he was born to and became an enlightened human being.  He says that he doesn't believe in the Surahs that command to convert or kill. 

So no, I don't believe that all muslims are evil.  That would be illogical in my opinion.  What I will say however, is that whatever philosophy can prompt someone to set a young girl on fire, or kill innocent people, or hide behind their women and children, is an evil philosophy.

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Re: Just when I think muslim men can't top themselves...they do.
« Reply #34 on: October 23, 2008, 06:32:14 PM »
Shalom Josh,
I told you I admitted I was wrong in my history about Serbia, but you will just cowardly beat it to death by going to the first few posts I ever made on this board.  Why did I post "Why is there a Save Serbia?" Because i was new here and the first I see when I go to JTF website is people bashing America, supporting Russia and other Russia allied countries and talking about establishing an Orthodox Russian empire under a Tzar.  So I was horribly misled and this was the first experience I ever had with Serbians so I just mistook them for your typical anti-semitic Eastern European country.  Now, after being educated, I see that Serbians are a great exception and deserve respect for their heroism, their tolerance of Jews on their land and fighting nazis and muslms.  SO, do me a favor, and stop attacking me with posts I made, which I already apologized many times for.  I don't need backstabbing because I am bringing up valid points of some of Dalmacija's comments that go against the goodwill of Israel, America and its people.   You are doing this just to defame me.   Anyhow, with those comments you posted in red; I think most people on JTF will agree with me 100%.  When was the last time you spent an extended period of time in Eastern European or Orthodox country?  Have you lived all your life in USA, sheltered from the type of bigotry Jews have faced for generations?  I have been called a Christ Killer by Russians in the city I live, I have not even been to Russia yet.  Chaim himself, maybe he could correct me, said Russia is a country that needs to be destroyed.  I still have the link to his video about Russia, I downloaded it to my computer as well.

Yes, I did say the ORthodox church was reponsible for some of the worst Anti-Semitism in history and I stand by it.  I wrote that I said Serbia is the exception, but my belief still stands and I oppose most of the racist, anti-semitic Orthodox Churches.  Serbia can be one exception.  My grandparents for generations lived as slaves under their regime and I will not play stupid and deny my history like some others here. 

I dont need URLs blah blah blah, go review the posts on Save Serbia board, you will find Dalmacija giving honro to Chavez and Castro, among other lowlifes.  I don't need to send him a PM or kiss his feet or spend the day fasting and mourning for his people, every time he says something contrary to what I feel is for the good of JEwish people.  Yes, I agree Jews dont get a free ride either.  If I, as a Jew, went around praising Chavez, I bet they would boot me off of here the same day. 

I asked you as a gesture of goodwill to apologize to our Serbian brothers and sisters for these remarks made at the time especially considering the fact that you have admitted  now that you were very ignorant about Serbia and the Serbs and their Christian Orthodox faith. I am still waiting for the apology, brother AryehYehudah. Thank you.
I already apologized to the SErbians for waht I said about their church out of ignroance.  I refuse to apologize to the blood thirsty Orthodox church for oppressing my people for generations.  I am awaiting your apology for the denial of the oppression and suffering Jewish peopel had under Tzarist and Orthodox rule.  Still waiting as well..   Thank you.

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Re: Just when I think muslim men can't top themselves...they do.
« Reply #35 on: October 23, 2008, 06:40:08 PM »

b. The Serbs are supported by Russia, and JTF is happy to see that. But that does not change the fact that other Russian policies are very dangerous and harmful. It is primarily Russia which is building Iran's nuclear bomb-making program that threatens the survival of America and Israel. We do not ask our Serb friends not to accept support from Russia. On the contrary, we want Russia to support the Serbs. But our Serb friends cannot ask us to ignore Russia's evil actions in regard to Muslim Nazi terrorist Iran, a nation that openly promises to destroy America and Israel. So we as American Christians and Jews are very much opposed to the Russian regime and regard Russia as an enemy. The Serbs understandably regard Russia as a friend. But in our view, the only moral position is to say that Russia's policy in the Balkans is good while Russia's policy in Iran is evil.

Shalom Chaim,
I never knew JTF was happy to see Russia support Serbia.  Can you explain why JTF supports the allegiance of Serbia with Russia?  I feel this is not a good alliance.  How can we sleep well at night knowing our friend is friend's with our enemy.  And do you really feel Russia has good motives behind the support of Serbia and is not just using this as an opportunity to form rebellion against America?  Do you deny that Russia was involved in the NATO decision to bomb the Serbs?  Is the allegiance that Russia has with Serbia, any different than with Iran, Venezeula or any other country that is at odds with USA?  To me, this seems like a relationship that will end up with the SErbs as losers.  Some Serbs here are so strongly anti-American and pro-Russia, they are even backing up all of Russia's allies and many are dismissing what they are doing with Iran, helping to arm Iran for Israel's destruction.  Many also claim that Russia was Israel's greatest ally throughout the years.  They refuse to recognize the fact that Russia, time and time again, armed Israel's enemies with the hope that it would bring the destruction of the Jewish state.  What type of weaopns did the Jews go up against in all our 1948 - Present wars?  Were these American weapons or Russian wespons?

By the start of April, the conflict seemed little closer to a resolution and NATO countries began to think seriously about a ground operation—an invasion of Kosovo. This would have to be organised very quickly, as there was little time before winter set in and much work would have to be done to improve the roads from the Greek and Albanian ports to the envisaged invasion routes through Macedonia and northeastern Albania. U.S. President Bill Clinton was however extremely reluctant to commit American forces for a ground offensive. Instead, Clinton authorized a CIA operation to train the KLA to sabotage and destabilize the Serbian government.[28] At the same time, Finnish and Russian negotiators continued to try to persuade Milošević to back down. He finally recognised that NATO was serious in its resolve to end the conflict one way or another and that Russia would not intervene to defend Serbia despite Moscow's strong anti-NATO rhetoric. Faced with little alternative, Milošević accepted the conditions offered by a Finnish–Russian mediation team and agreed to a military presence within Kosovo headed by the UN, but incorporating NATO troops.