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Rudy should be president

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I agree. Remember that Rudy is a politician just like all of them. Abortion and sodomy are secondary issues compared to the survival of Israel and the US. Rudy does have a good track record and is in a league above all the other candidates. He took a trip to Israel to denounce muslim terrorism and announce that Israel should be given the right to defend itself. He kicked Yassir Arafart out of Gracy Mansion. He enforced quality of life crimes in New York and boosted the cities economy. He didn't raise our taxes too much when he was in office(yes I used to live in NYC). He has my vote.

As Mayor of this city he did do a good job when it came to cleaning up crime in the city.  After Dinkens left the city was truely a Zimbabwe like jungle. However, he supports an open border policy. New York alone is swarming with these third world sponges as it is let alone the rest of the country.  He supports same sex marriage.  Same sex marriage goes against everything that marriage stands for.  Marriage is only between a man and a woman that love each other that want to build that special bond through marriage.  He supports gun control.  Well he of all people should know if you take a good look at NYC who are the ones holding the guns right now the criminal cop killing gangbanging thugs that sell dope in their own neighborhoods.  But if a decent citizen wants to have a fire arm to defend him or herself and their families and property they got to go through all sorts of nonsense. And thats if they are lucky to be permitted.  So on a national scale no.  Unfortunatly it may come down that he maybe and I hate saying it that he maybe the GOP candidate and the Demodolts may end up with either Thunder thighs Hillary or Bongo Obama and either side none of us win.  We do need Hunter's name out there if there is any sort of hope. I hope his name is still on the ballots in NY when the primaries come here.

He is a piece of filth. An adulterous, cross-dressing, abortion-supporting, socially liberal scumbag. Never again will a papist disgrace the Whitehouse. I am a gentile by the way.

Joe Gutfeld:
You are a piece of filth for saying that for America's mayor.  He could be my president any time.

   With such a grim outlook of Hillary, Osama, and McCain he is a saint compared to all the others. I don't agree with him on all the issues, but at least he is the only one who has strongly spoken up in support of Israel. Who else would be bold enough to kick Yassir Arafart out of his party after Arafart got a noble piece prize for his destruction of part of Israel. He closed the section 8 house list which was just reopened again this year. I have a feeling that Chaim is going to support him as the lesser of two evils when election time comes, but I feel optimistic about him taking office. I hope that Rudy chooses my former governer, Robert Ehrlich as his running mate.


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