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Bored Marines In The Horn Of Africa
--- Quote from: Lisa on February 22, 2007, 11:01:06 PM ---Here's the link:
When exactly was this? Didn't you say on one of the Ask JTF programs that you also served in Iraq, and that the natives there would routinely exagerrate the war damage and blame in on Americans?
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Yes I served in Iraq in 2003 and I was with a unit that was a TOW missle (Tank Killer) unit and I was a machine gunner. And I won't lie to you in 2003 we killed a fairly decent amount of people. The rules of engagement were in our favor and well we also demolished alot of buildings. We destroyed alot!! It was great. However the civilian lives that were lost were due to the fact that the combatants WERE CIVILIANS or hid behind the civilians. In either case during OIF 1 me and my other Marines pretty much opened fire on everybody. Screw them! We didn't really care....we wanted to go home and the enemy doesn't get to go home. That's the name of the game!! Sorry for my language but screw those hajjis. That's the way you got to treat the enemy. And yes I'm very passionate about the subject. LoL! We once had one of our boys get shot in the chest by an AK round (7.26mm) by one of them right. The ceramic plate stopped the round, thank G-d, but we went after the guy on foot and when we caught up with that Iraqi he couldn't even fire his weapon cuz he was basically shitting himself because he couldn't believe we chased him on foot. This happened in Basra. And anyway...a few of us including myself tackled him and held him down while the guy he shot, a young Lance Corporal in the Marines beat his head in with his Kevlar! So yeah it can get very dirty. And the guy was also wearing civilian attire or at least not anything recognizable with any infantry.....So what??? We are the Marine Corps. We have been Travel Agents To Allah since 1775!! Our song says From the Halls of Montezuma (war with Mexico) to the shores of Tripoli (the Muslim Pirates in Tunisia and the Maghrib). We've been fighting these people and we know how to win it's just that now our govenment would rather make money than win a war. Back in the Old School Marine Corps we had a General named Pershing who captured 50 Muslim Nazis in the Phillipines right.....and executed 49 of them. And you want to know what he did??? He made Marines slaughter some Pigs and dip the rounds that were going to be used in the firing squad in the pigs blood so that the Muslims would die with pigs blood in them and believe they would not make it to Jannah but Jahannum! Not to mention he buried them all in a pit and covered the bodies in Pigs Blood.....thick and meaty....and let the 50th dude go so he could tell the story and after that.....there were no more Muslim Terrorist Acts for another 89 years!!!!
But the ROEs changed after I left Iraq and from what I here now they are worse than the ones we give Cops here in America.
This video however was taken in 2005 in the Marine Base in the Horn Of Africa in Djibouti just north of Somalia where we trained Ethiopian troops and Djiboutian troops against Somalia incursions and also ran incursions into Somalia after Islamic Muslim Nazis of the breed we call the "Skinnys" due to the malnutrition that is prevalent in that area. I was also a Machine Gunner. I'm a United States Marine Corps Sergeant.
Oh and if I sound like not a very nice guy for saying all that stuff well I guess I'm not. America could use a few more people like me and maybe we could save America. Besides I'm a Marine....what do you expect. I like the killing business. I wouldn't have joined the Marine Corps otherwise....I would have joined the Hippys or the Air Force. LoL!
My biggest beef with how we managed Iraq was we were to busy trying to win over the Arabs. I never tried to do that. I always treated them like my enemy and like the evil scum that they are. I never missed an oppurtunity to get in thier face and yell at them, never missed an oppurtunity to treat them like mushrooms.....keep'em in the dark and feed them excrement! And whenever our cowardly leaders told us to be humanitarian and hand out food and water I never missed the oppurtunity while nobody was looking to piss in thier food and water and hand it to them!!
I have never been merciful and I will never be a nice guy to my enemy!! My enemy is my enemy and the enemy of my enemy is probably still my enemy!!
--- Quote from: tony6d2 on February 25, 2007, 02:50:56 PM ---My enemy is my enemy and the enemy of my enemy is still my enemy!!
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Thanks, I'll remember that one.
--- Quote from: sat_chit_anand on February 25, 2007, 02:57:53 PM ---
--- Quote from: tony6d2 on February 25, 2007, 02:50:56 PM ---My enemy is my enemy and the enemy of my enemy is still my enemy!!
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Thanks, I'll remember that one.
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I'm not your average White Boy!!! I'm a Spaniard from NYC turned Southern!! Well except for the Jesus stuff. LoL!
New Yorker:
"Oh and if I sound like not a very nice guy for saying all that stuff well I guess I'm not. America could use a few more people like me and maybe we could save America."
Dude, you are a great guy, don't worry about being "nice" we don't need people to be nice to the throat cutting jihadist bastards. Those Islamic savages want to kill all of us, and it's you and your brave brothers that are standing between us and them. Guys like you are going to be the ones to save America when the sh*t hits the fan. We're proud of you, and truely grateful.
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