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« on: October 28, 2008, 09:43:32 AM »
Because most of the people were found to be Obama donors     

NetRight Nation
A Project of Americans for Limited GovernmentHome About Conservative Blog Consortium Contact Donations From DOJ Favor Obama
Perhaps this is why DOJ isn’t looking too heavily into ACORN.

From Mark Tapscott:

Looks like Barack Obama is generating a lot of financial support among the millions of civil servants who will be his executive branch workforce if he wins the White House, according to a new study by the non-partisan Center for Responsive Politics.

Obama support is especially evident at the U.S. Department of Justice where employees gave more than $268,000 to Obama, compared to just $97,400 to McCain.

At the Department of Defense, McCain got the most, at $127,000, compared to $92,000+ for Obama. It’s interesting that Justice Department employees are more motivated to make a political donation than are Defense Department workers.

My own analysis of the DOJ employees who live in the Washington, D.C. region who sent checks to Obama turned up some interesting names, including those of one special counsel and four federal prosecutors. Among the latter were Michael Ambrosino ($2,350), Kirk Ogrosky ($700), Jay Probahu ($750) and Ian Dewaal ($700).

Others at DOJ of interest included Kate Nicholson, who listed her title as coordinator of the U.S. Attorneys Program, with a $1,550 contribution to Obama, U.S. Administrative Law Judge Ellen Thomas, who contributed $2,300 to Obama, and Catherine O’Brien, a civil rights program assistant, who gave Obama $1,000.

A total of 87 DOJ Washington area employees who listed their titles as “Attorney” contributed a total of $122,999, for an average donation to Obama of just under $1,500 each.

Earlier this week, Quin Hillyer, associate editorial page editor of The Examiner, wrote about the growing concern that some of Obama’s DOJ supporters could be in positions to influence the outcome of the election by virtue of their job descriptions.

DOJ is required under federal law to enofrce statutes that require state officials to take certain actions designed to insure against fraudulent voter regisration and voting. Despite clear evidence of massive voter registration fraud in Ohio and more than a dozen other states, however, the DOJ officials responsible for such enforcement are doing nothing. As Hillyer noted:

“The kicker: The DOJ attorney on the case, former Ted Kennedy-affiliated lawyer James Walsh, is as contributor to the Obama campaign, as is his boss, former ACLU attorney Mark Kappelhoff.”

The average Obama donation from all DOJ employees living in the Washington region was $1,187.
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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