i'm enjoying it. the audience gave him a warm welcome. i thought that was Sarah Palin next to him

Cindy McCain was there too. The audience was warm towards her also. I thought the skit was funny and relieved they were nice to him. That was the first five mins. or so. I hope Ben Affleck is nice to him.
ETA: He got booed

when he did his 2nd segment.
No wonder I stopped watching that show 20 years ago. I was expecting to see Sen. McCain and Ben Affleck together, but I guess Ben didn't want to do a skit with him.
See, this is what i don't understand. why does he go on local programming? he got in trouble on The View, Sarah Palin got in trouble w/the gruesome twosome. I don't understand this goofy thinking of his. He wants to lighten things up? I just think it's stupid ..... he got booed!
I did have a few laughs tho. When they did The View, Whoopie was funny, Elisabeth a riot, Joy was gross but kind of funny, Ben was funny as Keith, i thought he was going to pop a blood vessel

when he interviewed the black guy, and cut him off, that was funny.
Ben was funny as the UPS delivery guy.
The show stinks is my assessment. I'll watch it in 20 years.