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State of Judea's provisional capital?
Ya'acov Menashe,
Who decided that Ma'aleh Adumim would be the State of Judea's provisional capital?
Sorry about the name. I immediately realized the error and fixed it.
I see. So YOU decided.
Got it.
What are your plans? When are you (and every one else reading) coming to stay?
I guess I'm confused as to who's ambassador from where to where.
Last time I checked the closest thing to a State of Judea government included Michael Ben-Horin as Nasi.
Last year (Teveth 5766), Yekutiel Ben-Ya'akov held a conference to push the issue forward. Even before the event, three of us were brought in for questioning.
Professor Paul Eidelberg ( has often advocated the formation of an Israeli Knesseth in exile to be prepared for when the current system of government falls.
Please direct me to more information about your version of the State of Judea.
Other than the two above examples, I know
Last time I checked CBP's permanent residence (no fault of his own) and Torah Zionists were outside of Judea.
I appreciate your honesty.
It IS hard. But if we all caved into our "it's hard feelings" there wouldn't be many of us left.
A suggestion: Get married here. I've heard of too many break ups due to one spouse or the other wanting to go back "home." If you get married here to someone already here and interested in being here for herself, then my guess is the marriage would have more of a chance. You'd also already have that much in common with her: You'd both be showing your commitmemt to live here.
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