Author Topic: Smolmert reneges on his war commitments (Say it isn't so!)  (Read 4967 times)

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Smolmert reneges on his war commitments (Say it isn't so!)
« on: September 06, 2006, 04:35:51 PM »
When liberals run your nation's wars defeat and humiliation are sure to follow

DEBKAfile: Israel lifts its air, sea and land embargo of Lebanon Thursday. SMOlmert reneges on his war commitments and responsiblity for kidnapped soldiers

September 6, 2006, 10:53 PM (GMT+02:00)

The embargo which was in any case fading will be lifted at 1500 GMT Thursday, 7 Sept. 7. Prime minister Ehud SMOlmert and defense minister Amir Peretz folded under intense pressure from UN Secretary General Kofi Annan without the UN, Lebanon or Hizballah meeting any of Israel’s six conditions for ending the embargo (and accepting the August ceasefire):
1. No sign of life was elicited from Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev, whose abduction by Hizballah July 11, triggered the Lebanon war – or even a Red Cross visit. This has left a bad feeling in the army over the fate of men falling into enemy hands.
 2. Hizballah will not be evacuated from South Lebanon or disarmed.
 3. The deployment of UNIFIL-2 and its European components in South Lebanon is being used by SMOlmert and foreign minister Tzipi Livni as a ploy to pull Israel’s troops out of Lebanon without achieving any of their avowed goals.
 4. The prime minister’s office in Jerusalem Wednesday night, Sept. 6, cited the UN and US as assuring Israel that UN forces are prepared to begin executing their mission. No mission description was attached to the notice, because the European contingents have made it abundantly clear that they have no intention of disarming Hizballah.
 5. Neither are the “peacekeepers” lifting a finger to halt Iranian and Syrian weapons consignments to Hizballah. Indeed the flow of arms has increased since their arrival, making a mockery of UN Resolution 1701 which ordered an embargo on such arms at the same time as it mandated their deployment.

DEBKAfile’s military sources report that the smuggled arms supplies to Hizballah, far from halting have been stepped up. Iran and Hizballah are further pumping arms into the Gaza Strip. This week alone, Palestinian terrorists took delivery of 400 RPG anti-tank rockets and 15 Grad missiles.
Egyptian border forces and European monitors posted at the Rafah terminal provided no bar to the traffic.
Given the missed goals of Israel’s venture into the Lebanon war, it is no wonder that Binyamin Ben Eliezer, minister of infrastructure in the SMOlmert cabinet and a former defense minister, said bluntly Wednesday Sept. 6 that this was Israel’s worst defeat in all the wars it fought. Domestic criticism of the government spreads day by day as the bizarre, muddled and incomprehensible nature of the prime minister’s war decisions continues to mark his actions three weeks later.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2006, 04:38:55 PM by yephora »

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Re: Smolmert reneges on his war commitments (Say it isn't so!)
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2006, 11:51:50 PM »
I know almost nothing about Hebrew, but does Olmert in English mean "weak, pathetic loser"?????
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