One of the greatest miracles occurred in our lifetime , just a few years ago infact.
Bare in mind that there is a prophecy that the lost tribes will be discovered and return.
Some characters were discovered in afghanistan.. following some jewish traditions, and their names were like. Reuveni, Shimoni. They are muslims , and many are anti-semitic. But possibility of jewish origin is very strong. They keep some jewish traditions.. They are called the pathan.
I encountered one once, a big anti-semite..
Apparently the british thought they looked jewish, and they referred to them as jews. They faught very strongly against the russians to get russia out of afghanistan.
This is incredible..
Infact, I used to ask myself as a kid how with the communication we have - telephones, we haven't found the lost tribes yet. then we had the internet, and I just couldn't see how they hadn't been found..
Then after 9/11 articles started coming out about these groups that were just too good a match to be true. Arabs with tribal names like Reuveni, Shimoni e.,t.c.!! unbelievable.
It makes sense.. Arabs are very tribal, and so these tribes got preserved there.
This is a completely different case of course.
And indeed, they should go through a conversion just incase..
There was a great story I heard about the pathan..
They had this inscription in hebrew or aramaic and had never been able to read it, but they kept it.
A rabbi came over , from america I think, and read it to them.. there were alot of tears. But don't let that fool you itno thinking the pathan are good people! jews of islammic background.. expect some to be the biggest anti-semites you could get!