Author Topic: A christian web site that supports other hilltop pioneers  (Read 2270 times)

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A christian web site that supports other hilltop pioneers
« on: March 12, 2007, 09:33:12 PM »
I was just searching the web and found a righteous Christian site was supporting some other settlers who live in the hilltop area. This is the site. It is called Christian Friends of Jewish Communities.

Here are some of the people they support.

Chaya and Shimon Ben-Dor- "The Ben Dors lived all alone on the isolated hilltop with no running water, electricity or basic services..."

Laurence Beziz- "Laurence returned to witness the destruction firsthand: 'It was the only way to achieve some sense of closure. Witnessing the physical destruction was the only thing that could make something as outrageous as my whole life coming apart, real for me...'"

David Goldman- "'There aren’t many important pieces of art here. We don’t exhibit gold and silver. What we DO have are broken shards of clay that tell a story of a people,'" maintains David Goldman...

Raphaella Segal- "'The area was so barren,'" recalls Raphaella, "'that birds did not even fly overhead. And our families thought we were crazy. Until they came to visit. When we thanked them for coming, they told us with tears in their eyes that they had to thank us – for the inspiration our spirit and dedication gave them...'"

Sarita Maoz- "Sarita and Dror crawled into their house, wounded, seeking cover. Miraculously, the children remained under their beds. The oldest daughter, who was only 6 at the time, kept her 2 and 3-year old brother and sister quiet in order to prevent the terrorist from targeting them..."

See the link above for an explanation of why they believe they should support settlers in some of the hilltops.

Has anyone heard of this organization? I think they are also very worthy of support. Especially for Christians.

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Re: A christian web site that supports other hilltop pioneers
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2007, 12:14:27 PM »
Thanks, Adam, I sent them an e-mail about JTF.