Author Topic: PLO in Court: War With Israel Continued After Rabin Peace Pact  (Read 412 times)

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PLO in Court: War With Israel Continued After Rabin Peace Pact
« on: November 04, 2008, 07:30:19 PM »
I hope these stupid left wing Oslo Jews finally realize how dumb they are. 
When you give historic Jewish lands to Arab terrorists, they will use that land to kill Jews.
PLO in Court: War With Israel Continued After Rabin Peace Pact
Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu

The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), whose executive committee is headed by Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas, has told a United States Court it was fighting a war against Israel when it carried out terrorist attacks several years after the Rabin-Arab peace pact.

The statement was made in defense of a $3 billion by American victims and their relatives in two sub-machine and five bombing attacks in Jerusalem between 2001 and 2004, leaving 333 dead and dozens wounded. The admission counters the 1994 Oslo Peace Accord between Yasser Arafat and Yitzchak Rabin, which envisioned the PA's guaranteeing security for Israeli by its wiping out terrorism in return for a new Arab state within Israel's current borders.

In a summary of the PLO's defense, U.S. District Court Judge George Daniels said defendants argued that "subject matter jurisdiction is lacking because this action is premised on acts of war, which is barred under the ATA [Antiterrorism Act of 1991], and further is based on conduct which does not meet the statutory definition of ?international terrorism.'"
Defendants argued that "subject matter jurisdiction is lacking because this action is premised on acts of war.

Abbas, usually cited as the chairman of the PA but he also a senior member of the PLO, has been designated by both outgoing Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and his hopeful successor Tzipi Livni as a moderate.

The court rejected the defense attorneys' arguments, stating that the terrorist attacks "do not constitute acts of war" and are within the definition of international terrorism.

Middle East Forum director and Hoover Institution fellow Dr. Daniel Pipes commented that the PLO response in court is significant because the organization "publicly maintains it remains at war with Israel 15 after Oslo supposedly ended the state of war [and] four years after Mahmoud Abbas took over and supposedly improved on [Yasser] Arafat's abysmal record."

He added, "The PLO argues, even in the context of an American law court, that blatant, cruel, inhumane, and atrocious acts of murder constitute legitimate acts of warfare."

Judge Daniels stated in his ruling, "The use of bombs, under such circumstances, is indicative of an intent to cause far-reaching devastation upon the masses. The 'benefit' of such weaponry is its merciless capability of indiscriminately killing and maiming untold numbers in heavily populated civilian areas."

Offline Kahane99

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Re: PLO in Court: War With Israel Continued After Rabin Peace Pact
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2008, 02:41:24 AM »
The "Intifada" was just another war of racist aggression by the Arab antisemitic terrorist nazis against the Jewish people. PLO, fatah, hamas, they are all the same!