Author Topic: Good Message from Gabe Suarez  (Read 2102 times)

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Good Message from Gabe Suarez
« on: November 06, 2008, 09:32:23 PM »
Many of you into firearms and self defense may have heard for Gabe Suarez and Suarez International. Below is his response to the Obamanation.

By now we all know the election is over.   
It is unfathomable to me that half of the American people want to live in socialism.  Incredible!
Much of the discussion in our community has been very negative and the mood dark.  This must change.  I have written what MY plans are for the next couple of years.  Perhaps we can all get on the same page.  Remember the growth our industry saw during the dark Clinton years?  We will see the same thing again.
Gabe Suarez

Spaniard by Heritage
Cuban by Birth
Christian by Grace
FREE American by Choice

Alright....I have had all day to think.

I took care of family business  ...I threw kettle bells around interspersed with AK drills to Christian Metal.....I stopped by the office just in time to see the last magazine we had go out the door to a free american in Michigan. I spoke....and yelled....and cried with those who called me. And there were alot of you.  Everyone asking what to do...what to do.....

Here is what I will do.

Half of the American people are stupid. Right or wrong, that is how I feel about it. I can't fix stupid.  But here is what I can do....

1). As far as I am concerned, I do not have a president. Obama (excuse me while I spit) will not get any support or respect or anything from me but disgust.  That is that.  We move on.
2). I will continue to do business as I have done for the past 8 years. My plan initially is to use my buying power to put as many magazines on the shelf as possible. When those run out I will get more. My connections and resources will make the Colombian Drug Cartel look like a bunch of altar boys. You want a talks.

3). I will teach you anything you want to know...anything. You want to know how to take over a building with a team? I will bring it. Sniping? Yes. Gunfighting at five feet? Of course. Fighting with knives?  You got it.

I will add several classes to the schedule that will scare the bra right off Nacy Pelosi's scrawny chest.

4).  If ammo runs low, I will cut the round count, but I will still teach you what you need to know and I will bring other nasty and dangerous men (both good ones and formerly evil ones) from the four corners of the earth to teach you what they know.

While the rest of america is castrating itself we will keep our "package" intact!

5). Infidel Media will plan to produce one DVD per month on subjects which will appeal to all of you from ComBloc Weapons to Guerrilla Street Fighting to whatever you ask for.  As far as I am concerned, nothing is off-limits.   Information cannot be controlled. Wait and see. We will make the edgy gun press look like a bunch of altar boys.

6). I will produce a website dealing with a warrior ministry so our Christian brothers can find the courage and the testosterone the popular church has eliminated. This will be inline with the Christ of Revelations 19:11 and not the soft manufactured Christ of the modern bland religionists.

7). I will continue to do what I have been doing for the last 8 years, and make it even worse. You think I have been contraversial and extremeist? No....stand the hell by..........NOW I will live up to those names.

This is the time for tightening the helmet straps not hand wringing and crying like a liberal sissy. To hell with them and the ugly witch that birthed them!!
As our good friend Iraq Ninja posted - "We are not even out of the kill zone yet, and some of you are already trying to write up the After Action Report. Lets keep things real and not waste our time on "what if" or "how did we let this happen".

Stay switched on. Stay Frosty. We have lost this battle, but not the war.

I raise my glass to you my brothers.....until we are free once again.
Gabe Suarez
Suarez International USA, Inc.
One Source Tactical
[email protected]
Office 928-776-4492

Spaniard by Heritage
Cuban by Birth
Christian by Grace
FREE American by Choice

 In 2005 Suarez International legitimized the Kalashnikov Rifle as a viable fighting rifle and first choice for American citizens.  Soon after that we began teaching classes titled Kalashnikov Rifle Gunfighting (something every copy-cat school seems to be doing now).  A little while after that, the first DVD on the subject came out from Paladin - Kalashnikov Rifle Gunfighting.  "We have never seen anyone run a rifle like that before", were comments often heard. 

I can promise you that what we do in this DVD will make any rifle training you have done before seem like a church picnic. 
Following on the material presented in the first DVD, we add advanced displacement methods, enhanced gun handling to help you run the AK faster and better.  We show the incorporation, full speed, of the Pekiti Take Off with a rifle, full speed shoulder transfers, full speed transitions on the run, and a section on the ballsitics of the popular AK rifle rounds. 
This one will move your AK Combat Skills to a whole new level.
For information purposes only.

Corinna Coplin - Suarez International Staff Instructor
Ladies' Gunfighting-Prescott, AZ 10/25 & 26 /2008
What a great group of female warriors! First, I would like to thank all the women who made the commitment to train together for the weekend. This was a very diverse group of ladies with varying levels of firearms experience.

The ladies were asked and expressed their desired goals for the class which included being able to safely and confidently use and manipulate a handgun including clearing malfunctions, shooting while moving and various concealment options and methods.
To a person they were remarkably open-minded, safety-conscious and hard working.

Day One:

After the usual paperwork formalities, introductions were made followed by a safety briefing.
The ladies progressed quickly through the basics of running their guns and how to use dry-practice to their advantage. Marksmanship fundamentals were practiced through live fire drills with emphasis given to consistent center of mass hits.

The 5 count draw stroke from the strong side holster was presented and practiced.
By the end of day one every woman there was able to clear her own malfunctions, keep her gun loaded and running as well as hitting her target with ease.

Day Two:
After a review of first day's material the class moved on to the After Action Assessment "Suarez Style"! How to deal with multiple adversaries and failure to stop were practiced and I have to say the ladies meant business.

This led to an introduction to the movement matrix, in other words getting off the 'X', close range shooting "The Down and Dirty" as well as reduced visual input target indexing.
After lunch the various methods of concealment available to women were discussed and demonstrated.

We also explored shooting with the left hand (for one person shooting it was her right hand).
The 360 degree After Action Assessment utilizing SUL position was demonstrated and practiced dry before going live.

The end of the day involved a surprised-filled critical thinking scenario, which gave the ladies the opportunity to use all of their newly acquired skills including movement and use of cover.

Ladies, thank you all again for your safety and hard work. I hope to see you all on the range again soon.

February 19-20, 2009
Civilian War Fighter/Team Tactics
Prescott, AZ
This class deals with learning how to operate in two and three shooter teams and covers, Modified Small Unit Tactics, Moving as a Team, Immediate Action Drills, Counter Ambush Drills, and other things commonly taught to special units.  You will learn the material via small lectures, dry and live fire work, and extended fire drills. To our knowledge, this material has never been available to private citizens, or taught outside of professional government funded schools.
February 21-22, 2009
Civilian War Fighter/Team Tactics II
Prescott, AZ
This class follows the pattern set for CWF-I, and deals with advanced operations in the two and three shooter teams.  We will get into more advanced applications of Modified Small Unit Tactics. 
Location: Yavapai Recreational League
Instructor: Dan Agakian and Gabe Suarez


This will be controversial, but I think it needs to be written. I have students all over the world, in some very dangerous areas. In many of those places, there is no NRA, CCW Laws, Second Amendment, or even recognition of Human Rights. Thus far, those places are few here in the USA.  Thus far. 
The danger is real and I'm regaled with stories of brutality from infant rape to post-kidnapping dismemberments and other grizzly stories that would drive any sane man to carry weapons, regardless of the local laws, and be prepared to use them violently at any moment. Often, the danger is even more real if you are a pale-faced American in our current age of drug wars, terror wars, and renewed anti-Yankeeism.
Can this info be misused? Anything from beer to baseball bats can be misused. The bad guys already know this material, and it is part and parcel of their bad guy skill sets. Heck, who do you think we learned this from? Our friends who were once on the opposite side of the legal lines.

When Operating and Carrying Weapons in A Non-Permissive Environment:

First of all, be low profile. Try to fit into your environment. Don't dress like a Yankee, or a member of a militia group.  Not that there is anything wrong with either of those groups, but remember the idea is to blend in. Avoid loud clothing with bright colors or patterns and instead go for muted earth tones. Avoid the scruffy look as well. In general, neat, clean people get overlooked, dirty scruffy unshaved people get a second look. When in anti-American areas, avoid American brand clothing such as things with flags or slogans. Again, the entire idea is to dress in a way that you can easily be overlooked. Who was that grey man, or so the saying goes.

If carrying a weapon, and in many of these places you should, dress to hide it. No one looking at you should have any idea that you are carrying a weapon. Thus you don't add the weapon to the clothing, you dress around the fact that you will have a weapon.
Photographer vests from Royal Robbins may look and be the rage on the cover of Tactical Dude Magazine, but you may as well carry openly because everyone knows its covering a gun. Same goes for baseball hats representing American tactical companies such as Glock or "certain shooting schools". If it marks you as an armed American, do yourself a favor - get rid of it! Real operators are invisible, not poster boys for the American gun industry.

A note about weapons. Pistols of course are a fine choice if you can have one. If not, at least have a knife. Either bring one with you, or get one locally. If you cannot find a knife, get a screw driver a nice sharp Phillips screw driver. The idea is to have something with which to fight. I recall one trip to a NPE where I could not even take a Swiss army knife.  As soon as I was on the ground I visited a store and bought a nice cheap and anonymous steak knife.  I carried that knife with me for a week and finally ditched it in the airport bathroom prior to going through security on the way home.
Usually someone will bring up the idea of O.C. Spray. Well, here is my opinion on it. In the USA, that may be a fine idea due to various social issues, but with or without it, you must have something to back it up. You cannot OC three guys wanting to "stomp the Yankee".

In this environment the idea of less lethal is secondary to having the ability to inflict instant and overwhelming damage on those who attack you.  And that, oh gentle reader, may mean killing them.

With regard to firearms, there are some choices which are better than others. Avoid extremely expensive or "personalized" guns. Carry Mexican style. That is holster less. Why? Because if you need to discard you pistol to be instantly unarmed and not one to be paid attention to, the empty holster is as telling as the gun that it carried.

Something that is often done by those who venture into such environments routinely is to wipe all fingerprints off the cartridges and reinsert them into the magazines with gloves on. It is also interesting to note that polygonal bores such as found on certain pistols do not mark the projectile as do standard lands-and-grooves barrel. The end result is that it is more difficult to determine from which pistol a certain bullet came.

With regards to knives, they should be very sharp and not used for routine day to day chores. They should be hidden and remain hidden until they are needed. I've seen guys whip out a $300 custom folder when some soccer mom asks if anyone has a knife to open a box of cookies. Stupid.

The knife should be inexpensive and easily replaced. The idea that you may have to ditch your knife should be remembered before you choose between that high dollar custom tactical folder and the Spyderco Endura to carry in the NPE.

Finally, above the software and hardware is the background work. Have a plan, and follow it. If something goes wrong it should not surprise you but rather you should have thought of it before and planned for it. Be smart, be low profile, but be ready. Your safety and that of those around you whom you care about is in your hands alone. No one else will come to help you at such times. Have a thought out plan to escape the area and possibly the country if things get bad.
I suppose here we could also discuss the various "no weapon policy" of various private businesses and "big box" stores.  We could also bring up the unfortunate girl in the parking lot of the Tyler, Texas Walmart, or the various victims of the active shooters in recent years. As well, we could bring up all the abductions and rapes that may have been prevented by the presence of a simple Spyderco.  How many of the dead, or those whose lives are changed in a blink of an eye would go back and ignore those silly rules, and arm themselves.

The Spanish have a saying - "Mejor Me Traigas Tabaco En La Carcel, Que Flores Ha El Cemetario". (Better That You Bring Me Tobacco In Jail Than Flowers To My Grave). We are all big boys and when one is playing at the levels we are discussing, the stakes are indeed high.
Combative Pistol Marksmanship DVD

In Combative Pistol Marksmanship, Gabe Suarez establishes the foundation necessary for future intermediate and adsvanced levels.  The entire premise is that "SHOOTING IS EASY".

Gabe proves that, by giving you all the steps needed to fire an accurate shot.  All the secrets are here from the fundamentals of marsksmanship to really understanding the surprise break, and the use of the sights, and more.  This DVD is suitable for both the advanced shooter as a refresher of things forgotten, and for the novice to learn the correct way the first time.
For information purposes only.


By Anthony James & Gabriel Suarez

GUERRILLA SNIPER is a totally different look at sniping. We examine it from the view of a private citizen and not any form of officially sanctioned operator.
Rather than emulate the "official schools" we examine the subject from the historical perspective of the Partisan Sniper as may have been seen in Occupied Europe during WWII.
I think this is more in line with what we, as private citizens, want OUR study of sniping to look like and what our operational parameters may actually be from a historical perspective.

The idea behind it is the Guerilla Sniper is a poacher...basically a poacher of enemy fighters. A poacher of ostensibly badmen.

8-1/2x11, Spiral Bound Softcover, 100 pp
© Copyright 2008 INFIDEL MEDIA GROUP 
ISBN-10          0-9802036-3-5
ISBN-13          978-0-9802036-3-9
ONLY $25.00 - ORDER NOW!!

Suarez International is dedicated to His service, and this section exists to glorify His name and to provide encouragement to our brothers-in-arms that serve Him as Christian Warriors. We believe that G-d gave us courage and called us to the profession of arms, and that its His will that we be strong and dangerous in the face of evil and the sons of perdition that walk this earth.   
At this point I am not sure what to say.  Maybe the sort of Christianity I believe is not what others believe? Maybe I need to read the entire book again to see if I missed anything.
My Christianity is not the feel good huggy-huggy koom-baya Christianity. Mine is a fierce warrior Christianity that calls to action not to contemplation. Something that clearly defines good and evil, as well as where we need to stand, and not a confused miasma of egalitarian sing-along grey areas.

Here is where I am coming from on this - I lived in a communist nation for the first seven years of my life. I saw my grandfather die of grief after being evicted from his plantation by the communists. I remember my mother's terror at any knock at the door fearing it was another hit squad. And my dad having to become involved in the Black Market at risk to his very life just so his family could eat. And I remember the tears as we left everything and everyone to come to the USA. So if I seem passionate, and at times fiercely angry, about socialism, I think I have very good reasons.

And no, forgiveness is not an option. Those who forgive and forget will have the same exact things happen to them again and again. Forgiveness is dependant on the transgressor's repentance. I think too often forgiveness is used as a Christian cop-out so the responsibility to make things right can be readily ignored.

Besides...I don't see socialism "repenting". Quite to the contrary, they are fixing bayonets and getting ready to attack. And Christians? What are the sons and daughters of the Living G-d doing?  They are opening the door of the church with welcoming smiles and inviting them in!

Those people who want socialism in America are NOT my brothers.

Some pastors make the mistake of thinking it is a race issue. Why must everything have to do with race? Do you think that disliking Islamic terrorists is a racist thing? Or disliking communists of any color is a racist thing? It has absolutely nothing at all to do with race.

I would have voted against Obama (excuse me while I spit) if he was a 6 foot tall Thor-looking, Axe-wielding Viking in a long boat playing Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries as he floated to shore, and I'd still vote for McCain if he was a black-as-night African tribesman in the Kalahari.
Plain and is about conserving what we against the advances of socialism (another word for liberalism and communism).

At this point many Christians will often mention "hate". Interesting word. It is mentioned several times in the bible and not always in a negative manner. Are we not told to hate evil? Or are we now so piritual that we are also loving the devil like good little christians? I can honestly say that in my heart, I have a deep hatred of socialism, communism and those who desire it are my enemies.

Furthermore, I want no fellowship with them, nor do I want them in my house.
Perhaps that will always disqualify me from Pastorship, but I am OK with that. It may be some other pastor's mission to reach these people, but it is not mine.  Mine is different, mine as I see it, is to strengthen those who already believe and prepare them to defend the faith.  Joe the Plumber does not work on electricity, and a fireman does not build houses.

You might say that G-d loves the communist/socialist as much as He loves us. If G-d loves them, then that is His business. I do not. To tell you that I do ... or that I can, would be a lie.  If you think that is a sin, that is fine with me. But I will disagree on that point as well. When Paul writes to "abhor what is evil", and to not have fellowship with the ungodly, I take that at face value. Moreover, I hardly think that Joshua, or Samson, or David felt any love for the Phillistines. Maybe the American Church has become too welcoming and civilized for its own good.

Just as you cannot serve two masters, a man cannot love evil and also love G-d. Similarly he cannot be a communist and a Christian. I don't think I need to remind you about what happened to Christians during the communist rampages in Eastern Europe during the Cold War. Or in the Sudan today.  Not to mention how Christians are treated by our bed buddy China. Who did these horrible things?  All Christians should know this.

If you ask me, the American Christian Church should be directly subverting those governments instead of spending the money they have on feel good projects. Pray? Sure....but pray and then act in faith, not pray and go stuff your face at Pizza Hut forgetting what you prayed for.

We also hear about submission. Christians seem to have this attitude of submitting unconditionally to authority. I say no. G-d puts people in power, or He allows them into power, but our submission to those people is not unconditional.   It is dependant on those men leading in a godly way.
How should a Christian have behaved under Stalin or Hitler? Submit? Hardly. And witness our own Revolutionary War against the British over 200 years ago. Were those men wrong to rebel against the king? Not at all.
Just as a battered woman is not required to submit to an abusive husband regardless of who arranged the marriage, a church is not required to submit to an oppressive authority whether G-d allowed it to come to power or not.  Christian or not, I will never submit to a communist government.
We hear all about separation of church and state, but we don't have that do we? You may think we do, but we do not. The state controls the church. If they can tax a church, or refrain from taxing them, they control the church. That is what churches do - they obtain tax-exempt status.  But by doing so they have chosen to be controlled by the law of man rather than the law of G-d.  "Say the right things and we will let you keep your money - but say the wrong thing and we will take it away".

What will the Church do when the word of G-d is considered hate speech? Submit or fight? Who controls the church in America? G-d or government? You say G-d. I say not.

Christians need to stop being the door mat of the world and do something.  G-d requires action from us but far too many Christians are sitting on their lazy butts waiting for the rapture. How will G-d find us? Busy fighting His fight, or standing at the door waiting for a ride?

Mega-pastors should be mobilizing, and leading, and taking back this nation, instead of complaining about how ungodly the country is. We may not agree with the Catholics, nor the Presbyterians, nor the Mormons on spiritual matters (and pastors badmouth them up and down all the time with out anyone complaining), but what a force we would make if we all agreed to disagree on spiritual matters, but allied ourselves secularly.  Socially we want the same things, but are too busy bickering like old women at a tea party.

We could literally control the entire nation if we united. But no....we feel more comfortable bad mouthing our would-be allies and making any political issues forbidden in church. I cannot abide by that.

If Christians had been more active and aggressive in our recent history we would not have G-d expelled from school, nor would we have queer marriage seen as normal, nor would we have abortion (child sacrifice), nor would we have the government we chose for ourselves this week. We would still be a godly Christian Conservative nation. But somewhere along the line, Christians became passive and weak, praying but never doing. THAT is not the kind of lukewarm church I want any part of.

Infidels fighting Obamazombies and Islamazombies in the wastelands of the former United States.

"I will stand with the Blue Line should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."