To Hashem is the Earth and its fullness - yasher koach. After reading that Noam was arrested again yesterday, and because I fasted on the first of B'H'B, I am fasting again today. I can't believe what we are seeing before our very eyes.
However, just as your post points out, our faith will carry us through this, as well. This is why it is very surprising to see posts on here where members seemingly attack each other.
In these days, we have to be so careful to judge everyone favorably and give everyone a proper level of respect.
In Chabad Chassidus, there is a concept called klipas Midyon. It is based on a ma'amar by The Rebbe Rashab (whose birthday is 12 days away, three after the yeartzite of Reb Meir) and it basically states that there is something that exists called klipas Midyon which seeks to senselessly tear apart the Jewish people.
It is so important in these days to show Hashem that his children really love and respect each other. We need not agree on every point in Torah, and in fact the beauty of Torah is that it is so broad. However, we should strive to show proper respect to each other, even on these faceless interfaces.
Stay strong in your faith, and G-d bless.