Had Bush lived during second world war he would have said like this:
"Why do people say Nazism is not a peaceful ideology, just because a few extremists? There are extremists in every ideology. People are just ignorant from what they see in the Media about WW2. They just take Mein Kampf out of context, please read it with an open mind. People exaggerate the number killed in the holocaust and hitler did kill some jews but he did it in self-defense, it was necessary at the time. He was very compassionate, he didnt execute all of them, he spared a few jews by giving them work in the concentration camps. hitler did a lot of good things for the german people, he ended the unjust Versailles treaty and brought them out of the depression. I'm a nazi and I never hurt anybody-so please dont blame Nazism for the actions of just of few people. Sieg Heil."
Bush is the foremost muslim apologist on the planet earth today and he has been repeating the following lie over and over again:
"Why do people say Islam is not a peaceful religion, just because a few extremists? There are extremists in every religion. People are just ignorant from what they see in the Media about everything after Muhammad. They just take Holy Qu'ran out of context, please read it with an open mind. People exaggerate the number killed in the Jihad and Muhammad (pbuh) did kill some Jews , Christians and others but he did it in self-defence, it was necessary at the time. He was very compassionate, he didn’t execute all of them, he spared a few kuffar by giving them a chance by paying jizah tax. Muhammad (pbuh) did a lot of good things for the world's people, he ended the lives of allot of kuffar and brought them out of the non Islamic depression. I'm a Muslim and I never hurt anybody-so please don’t blame Islam for the actions of just of few people. Allah akbar!"