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McCain says Palin didn't hurt presidential bid
« on: November 11, 2008, 11:10:54 PM »
LOS ANGELES – John McCain said Tuesday that Sarah Palin did not damage his presidential bid, and he dismissed as typical campaign sniping anonymous criticism aimed at her following their crushing defeat.

"I'm so proud of her and I'm very grateful she agreed to run with me. She inspired people, she still does," McCain told Jay Leno during an "Tonight Show" interview taped for broadcast Tuesday night. "I couldn't be happier with Sarah Palin."

Asked by Leno about griping about Palin from unidentified McCain operatives in the days following the election, the Arizona senator said, "These things happen in campaigns.

"I think I have at least a thousand, quote, top advisers," he scoffed. "A top adviser said? I've never even heard of ... a top adviser or high-ranking Republican official."

However, McCain never directly addressed the embarrassing controversy over Palin's expensive campaign wardrobe purchased by the Republican National Committee, or statements by unidentified McCain aides who have reportedly said she was not prepared on foreign policy. The Alaska governor has said in interviews she did not ask for, or want, the $150,000-plus wardrobe for her and her family.

He disputed that a different vice presidential pick would have changed the outcome against Democrats Barack Obama and Joe Biden.

At campaign rallies, "The people were very excited and inspired by her. That's what really mattered, I think," McCain said. "She's a great reformer."

McCain's appearance at Leno's Burbank studio was scheduled to coincide with Veterans Day. It was the former naval aviator's 14th appearance on "The Tonight Show" but his first TV interview as a vanquished presidential candidate.

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Re: McCain says Palin didn't hurt presidential bid
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2008, 11:17:48 PM »
McCain hurt himself he is such a sellout. He is a phony and tryig to lay the blame on the only person that helped him. Screw McCain
David Ben Ze'ev Aryeh

Offline jaime

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Re: McCain says Palin didn't hurt presidential bid
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2008, 11:37:04 PM »
McCain should have come out and extinguished the fire earlier.  Why did he drag this woman from obscurity, into the spotlight, mismanage her, not allow her to speak, ABUSE HER (one month ago i heard a report she was being abused and Todd Palin's disdain for McCain which was noted during the concession speach, i.e., body language of crossed arms and a look of disgust on his face.)  Jay Leno is not the proper format to discuss Sarah Palin.  i just heard on O'Reilly's show (McCain refused his offer to discuss whatever he wanted to discuss regarding Sarah Palin and put this matter to rest already and he said "no.  i don't like the format of that show."  McCain could have gone on and O'Reilly would have worked with him before the show aired so that McCain could have gotten his point across in the best possible light.  according to Karl Rove, the republican party is divided on the issue of Sarah Palin.  McCain didn't address the absurd issue of "all the clothes" which is a pack of lies and irrelevant.  At least he was coherent enough to not address that foolishness.  i believe something screwy is going on with McCain.  does he want to destroy/discredit Sarah Palin's reputation as a star player in the next few years so that we continue to look to him for guidance in the republican party.  i can't see any other reason for his reluctance to stand up for her sooner.  Karl Rove's assessment of all the prominent republicans was very interesting.  #1 Newt Gingrich works for Fox; #2 Mitt Romney doesn't even have a job, #3 Sarah Palin is someone who is a star, however, 1/2 the republicans don't think so because they believe she doesn't know enough to stand up to Putin.  i don't think she's been given a fair chance yet and to be discounted by a ton of republicans this soon, is unfair.  McCain had her on a tight leash, i.e., this would explain the abuse charge and Todd Palin's hatred for McCain.  Sarah has said, "i love John McCain."  i don't know what that statement means other than she has great affection for a man who manipulated her, dragged her through the mud and muzzled her when she could have helped the old fool.  i wish he'd go away, never to be heard from again.  there are rising stars in the republican party such as Michael Steele who may run against Newt Gingrich for head of the RNC.  There are rumblings of this via Michelle Malkin's website and Newt's on mouth this afternoon on Sean's radio show.  as it stands now, the American public will never vote for another republican again.  what the republicans are trying to do is disassemble the party and rebuild it.  that National Republican Trust is on hand to assist in watching the republicans, watching Obama and acting as a watchdog group.  O'Reilly helped to get that witch from Ohio who dug into Joe the Plumber's past into big trouble.  She used her position to campaign for Obama (during work hours,) with a salary of $150K and dig into Joe's past to harass and humiliate him for asking a simple question.  She is now on paid leave and Megan Kelly, Esq. and what's her name with the strange nose who is married to famed defense attorney Mickey Sherman, Esq., Leese Wheel   ???   ???   ???  concluded Helen Jones Kelly (the Ohio exec. who supported Obama,) that no action would be taken against her.  at least O'Reilly exposed her for what she is.  what kind of a country do we live in where citizens can't ask a question without being investigated, humilated, fined and disgraced in front of an entire nation.  Joe the Plumber just happened to be in the wrong place, at the wrong time: his front yard!