WHEREAS I am driven by the wind, and as it were battered and tossed about by the caprices of Nature, and
WHEREAS I am a lost soul, condemned to wander, but never wander far, and
WHEREAS before my eyes I see young, professional-looking blondes; Nordic beauties dressed up and innocent-looking; parading around on their own or with a friend; and
WHEREAS in most cases that I've seen black men they are usually following these girls around and trying to speak to them,
THEREFORE I testify this day that the works thereof are evil; that the young Nordic woman seeks to bear the fruits of her womb to the Negro; and that she is so accustomed to his attention and his needs that she has truly forgotten me;
WHEREFORE the young white woman, although she does not hate me, no longer knows me; no longer knows what ails me; no longer knows how to talk to me - she no longer knows how to treat me as a human being, as a man.
CONSEQUENTLY I am doomed to being forever on my own, and unhappy, and living off the charity of older women, as it were, as a gigolo,
HOWBEIT I know not of the pleasures of the flesh, no, nor ever shall: for I am touched by the finger of Nature, and I am driven ashore, I am a battered ship which lands on the Isle of Death, and is never seen again, nor remembered.