great format to discuss the bashing of this woman he plucked from obscurity and thrust into the limelight with virtually no preparation. furthermore, it's his campaign staff that is saying these horrible things about her and he could have stopped it, but for some reason, we are listening to these disparaging remarks on a daily basis. who benefits most from this bashing? why was Todd Palin looking at McCain with disdain and arms folded at the concession speech? why wouldn't McCain say a word during the concession speech. she wanted to speak on behalf of McCain but was restrained, like so many other occasions he put a leash on her. Sarah Palin has a future as a conservative republican. just maybe, McCain is threatened by her. this bashing has got to stop. i've never seen anything like it before in my life and it affects members of the party. they have doubts about her now. she has to work hard and change the minds of those who don't think she's worthy of running for office again. what a sickening display of supporting your running mate.
ETA: When given the chance to speak freely on Greta's show, Sarah Palin blamed W for losing the election. first, her boss ran a sloppy campaign and agreed not to take any more money from public financing. their opponent broke his promise and virtually bought his way into the White House. Obama had people in every corner of the country knocking on doors, recruiting support and taking money from sources, many of them unknown. Obama outspent them and wherever they started leading, would go back to that territory over and over until he was leading in that state or county. Obama was relentless and David Axelrod knows how to get people elected. Sarah Palin's boss would emerge like he had woken up from a nap about 2 or 3 months ago. He chose the wrong media to deal with. Why in the world would he go on The View, subject Sarah Palin to Charles Gibson and Katie Couric, knowing full well, all of these people had chosen Obama as the next president. What took him so long to go on Fox & Friends and other Fox News shows that wanted them to win. Why wouldn't he get in Obama's face during the first 2 debates. what held him back? if they are going to go around calling Obama and his friends radicals and terrorists, why wait till the 11th hour? No one cared about his radical views and associations by this time. McCain simply could not get his points across. Soon, no one was listening and had made up their minds to vote for Obama. Obama scared the elderly in Florida into thinking McCain was going to mess with their social security. I can't even count the number of times he kept going back to Florida. Sarah Palin forgets that their opponent was a young senator who everyone gushed, "he's such an eloquent speaker. he speaks much better than McCain." Obama was so sure he was going to win. Everyone wants to be on the winners side. it doesn't feel good to be on the losing one, does it? the press did a real number on these 2. the distorted photo of McCain that looked like something out of a horror flick and SNL making fun of them both damaged their chances, not W