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Why do so many Catholics hate Jews?
El Cabong!:
Quote from: El Cabong! on Today at 09:53:06 AM
Catholicism seems a custom made profession for paedophiles and homosexual priests.
Said by Hail Columbia: Based on what? The actions of less than 1% of American priests?
I think it's quite a bit more than that. But what I'm saying it seem custom made for paedophiles and priests doesn't mean that all of them practice it. A religion where the priests and nuns are repressed and not allowed to marry, have sex and have children is so ridiculous to human nature that it just breeds perversion and mental peculiarity.
Something I'd like to point out, you said that chrisitans and moslems claim to be chosen people, I can't really speak for the moslems, but I can say that there is nothing in true christianity about being chosen people.
And, regarding catholicism, just don't even bother starting... Such a mishmash of ideas drawn from pagan beliefs and money hungry men being in charge.
--- Quote ---I think it's quite a bit more than that. But what I'm saying it seem custom made for paedophiles and priests doesn't mean that all of them practice it. A religion where the priests and nuns are repressed and not allowed to marry, have sex and have children is so ridiculous to human nature that it just breeds perversion and mental peculiarity.
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That makes a lot of sense. Why deny people the natural and inherent instinct of procreation within the responsible and dignified context of a family?
--- Quote ---And, regarding catholicism, just don't even bother starting... Such a mishmash of ideas drawn from pagan beliefs and money hungry men being in charge.
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I found that Craig Winn's Prophet of Doom touches upon some of the aspects of paganism in the Catholic faith, the influence of Augustine's sun-worhip on Christianity, and the subsequent introduction of the symbol of the cross, Sunday, Christmas, Good Friday, Lent, etc. to a faith that originally was nothing but Judaism combined with the belief in Jesus.
True chrisitianity says nothing about chastity, except of course for outside of marriage.
--- Quote from: jewishron on September 07, 2006, 10:38:24 PM ---
--- Quote from: NeverMore on September 07, 2006, 06:49:33 PM ---
--- Quote ---What do Catholic schools teach children specifically about Jews and
Judaism? What do Catholic parents tell their children about Jews?
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its very simple actually- they teach that we, the vicious savage Jews caused jesus to get crucified. their hero, their massiah, got killed because the romans got the tip from judah. his name symbolizes that all jews are "bad", and bear the sin of causing Jesus to die.
this started the "cheating Jew" myth, that Jews can't be trusted and other dark ages myths, which led to this hatred towards Jews. that besides the explanation you gave about failing to believe in jesus being a massiah.
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This actually was changed in Vatican 2. Where the official postion of the church was to acknowledge that the Jews DID NOT kill christ and that the Romans did. However this old school mentality of the Jews being responsible for their mesiahs death led to many anti-semitic feelings and is still used as an excuse for hating jews today; albeit by ignorant people, but none the less it does exist.
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It is my understanding on this issue that it was neither the Jews or the Romans were responsible for Jesus death it was a act that was predestined by G_D. If I have it right Jesus was in the Mount of Olives the night before his crucifixion and prayed to G_d the father to remove this cup from me. (crucifixion) He then said that Yet not my will but yours be done. Basically anyone blaming Jews , Romans or anyone else is working with misinformation. For catholics Jesus death is the fulfillment of G_ds will. Apologies in advance if any of this is incorrect.
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