Al Gore once said that everybody should fly commercial and not fly gulfstream jets (like we can all afford to fly on a gulfstream jet!) because gulfstream jets release CO2 gases into the air. Well Sean Hannity pointed out that Al himself flies on a gulfstream jet, QUITE A LOT! So Al being a champion of the enviroment decides to fly American Airlines, let the jocularity begin...
Its funny how radical Liberals so called environmentalists such as Al Gore and Robert Kennedy jr. get up on their high horse telling all the pee-ons ( us ) that we need to be more energy conscious. All the while if I was to live for a thousand years I could never use half the resources evil animals like Gore or Kennedy use in one year.
Don't morons like this realize most Americans have limited budgets and energy prices prohibit 90% of us from being wastefull. I guess when they say stuff like this they think most Americans live as they do with multiple homes, SUV cars, private jets and endless resources at their disposal.
I don't really worry about conserving but by the same token I am not wastfull since at the end of the month the bills show up in the mail and must be paid.
I guess its like the old addage with Gore and Kennedy "Do as I say and not as I do".