Lets not get crazy here blacks here in America are no blessing whatsoever. They have dragged down American society and are at the root of most problems we have today. It is pointless to compare evils since in the long run evil blacks will destroy society as well or better then any muzzy. Unless you have spent some real time around evil blacks you have no idea how much of a drag they can be to deal with. If they were never brought here to America that in itself would be the best blessing of all.
I think after all I know about this issue, that blacks are very hedonistic.
If you give a quranimal and a average black 10000 $, the black would go first to the butcher and would buy lots of meat, his second move is going to the liqueur store and he will make the top of the shelves empty (there are standing the finest and most expensive drinks), third he will buy a new ghetto blaster and lots of CD's from all of his favourite "musicians" and then he is going to make a big braai and wassail with all his friends.
If he has slept out his flush and there is some money left he will buy a plasma tv, a new golden chain and perhaps new aluminum wheels for his car.
The quranimal would give the money probably to al-Kaida or he would buy with it a child bride from a quranimal country.