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Richard Wagner was a transvestite

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"Richard Wagner's Anti-Semitism"

An essay which proves only that two Jews with Ph.D degrees are able to demonstrate a high level of writing composition skills.

This essay presents German composer Richard Wagner's name in its title, and presents for its argument a far from accurate analysis of historical evidence; this being the two authors' views that composer Wagner's "widespread acceptance" alone, legitimized Anti-Semitism in Germany as a cultural phenomenon, forming the basis for Hitler and Nazism; resulting in large numbers of German Jews emigrating to the United States as the land where they would no longer face discrimination, and never again have to face being recognized first and foremost by their fellow citizens as "Jews".

In actual fact, Wagner's disdain for Jews, was a long established cultural norm throughout all of Europe throughout the 1800 years prior to the composer's birth, from England to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, from Spain to the far ends of Czarist Russia.

Furthermore, Wagner's musical achievements were not widely recognized during his lifetime.

Neither were his works widely accepted.

All were denounced by the musical establishment and critics of his day, angrily rejected by all but a few other composers.

Even so, the authors' arguments conclude with a most flawed premise:

This being that America is the country which is the haven for Jews; the land where no matter how assimilated or traditional, the Jew is seen only as an "American", not as a "Jew".

This is nothing more than mere "wishful thinking" on their part; exposing the blatantly false anti-Kahanist doctrine that...

"The Jew has now come home to his final refuge in America; the land where he is to never again be viewed by his fellow citizens as "a Jew".

In fact, the authors' Ph.D credentials are used to lend an air of "academic authority" and "legitimacy" to what is only their collective personal biases, revealing the typical "wishful thinking" of self-destructive Jews who desperately rationalize any and all reasons to convince themselves that they can find acceptance in the gentile world; thus remaining in Exile.
These author's views are diametrically opposite to those taught us by Rabbi Meir Kahane.

If, as this essay contends, Wagner's acceptance as a composer lent cultural legitimacy to "Anti-Semitism", then it must be also true that American industrialist Henry Ford, whose far more virulent hatred of the Jew, as proven by his establishing The Dearborn Press in Dearborn, Michigan, to publish The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and The International Jew Vols I, II, III; along with his demands to all Ford dealerships selling his "Model T" automobiles that a copy of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion be included in the dashboards of every Ford car sold, did to a much greater degree establish American Jew-Hatred as not only a culturally acceptable doctrine, but an American Industrial Doctrine as well.

Massuh, I thank you for analytically reading the essay. The one and only point I found useful was the comparison to Marx. I actually googled "Marx" with "Wagner" because I know they lived at the same time in approximately the same place and was wondering that sort of contact they had. The essay jumped out at me.

Jabo writes:  "...I actually googled "Marx" with "Wagner"..."

Wagner's politics were similar to those of Marx.

The same might also be said in comparing Beethoven to Marx.

Probably more a reflection on the period in which the musicians lived, when those who had the luxury to "think" about things, envisioned a world of "equality" & "brotherhood", free of monarchy & wars.

But, let's face it....since when did "musicians" ever really wield political power?


Did you say "Bono" & Bill Clinton?


The 'Pilgrim's Chorus' from Tannhauser is a very moving piece of music. Wagner's predilection for pantyhose is really just a detail.

Most UK newspapers are full of this sort of trivia and in the same way that the History Channel has become the Hitler Channel, it is really just a form of low-grade intellectual pornography.

Richard Wagner was  a genius German composer


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