Author Topic: Pastor Mark Harding in the AMERICAN CHRONICLE re: ISLAM & TERROR  (Read 1692 times)

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Pastor Mark Harding in the AMERICAN CHRONICLE re: ISLAM & TERROR
« on: December 10, 2008, 04:27:03 PM »
  Pastor Mark Harding a good friend of mine from Canada- is BRAVE, with all of their "HATE SPEECH" jargon- he STILL get OUT there and does what he has to do even though he got THROWN in JAIL for speaking OUT against Islam in Toronto, they spit on him, ETC...and HE got thrown in JAIL------ here is an article that he asked me to plz put on the JTF. ALSO on WND.

Islamic terror in INDIA.
Mark Harding

December 10, 2008

It was the teachings of Islam

that drove these men

to terrorism.

It all started along time ago with the teachings of a madman called Muhammad. The world continues to be terrorized by his teachings and those who follow them today. And Until the world wakes up to the reason for this crisis of Islamic terror we find ourselves facing today, I´m afraid it will continue.

Hitler was a madman that drove so many Germans to do the un-thinkable terror that eventually caused the world to wake up and react to the destruction the terrorism and the murder of Jews and Christians. It was to be called Hitlerism. Latter it was called the Holocaust.

Today the world must wake up to a new form of Nazism, its called Islam.

The teachings of Islam are the soul reason for the Islamic terrorism that is sweeping across the nations of our world today. Muhammad the so called "prophet of Islam" is dead, but his teaching´s of terrorism lives on today in the hearts and the minds of many Muslim victims. These same teachings found in his manual´s for terrorism destruction and murder of the Un-believers, these Manuals of terrorism from Muhammad, are called the Quran and the Hadiths.

Until we are willing to see the truth about Islam and protect those who are brave enough to protest against it and expose it, we will continue to see the same Islamic terrorist attacks like this latest attack that took place in India.

I have studied Islam and its followers for almost 20 years in Toronto Canada.

After some intensive studying I find that Islam´s prophet "Muhammad", was a man that found a way to make other men fight and kill for him. Through his Islamic teachings and laws of murder, racial discrimination and Un-just barbaric treatment of Un-Believers in Islamic societies, or even in our own Nations, the followers of Islam gain great wealth power and a false hope of eternal salvation. They are brainwashed into believing they do it for a god named "Allah" that does not even exist, unless one calls Satan a god.

These Islamic men who terrorized India were trained to kill Jews and Christian "Infidels" or as Islam calls us "Kafirs".

There are other Islamic men and women trained to lie and to tell everyone that Islam is a ´religion of peace´. And yet there are others who have been trained to be Islamic moderates and their job is to deceive you into believing that these "Islamic radicals", which are causing the terror, are hijacking the Islamic religion and misinterpreting the Quran.

They also report to us that the media and our own governments are lying about the persecution of Christians and Jews in Islamic societies like Pakistan, Egypt, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Turkey, Indonesia and the list goes on and on. Instead, they insist, the persecution is against the Muslims in Palestine by the Jews, and so this is a "global

Jihad" against the Jews for taking the land of Israel. This to is a lie. This Jihad is now spread to anyone who protects the Jews, as if they needed any protecting, which of course includes Canada, the USA and Europe. They organize rallies to stop the media and the Government from using the words "Islamic" "terrorists" in efforts to conceal the truth about Islamic teachings.

I have met with all three types of these Muslims and with questioning have found these trained men and women to be lying as they themselves "eventually" exposed the truth about the true hatred of the Islamic teachings.

Yes there are many that call themselves Muslims but have never even studied the Quran this is true. They are the real victims. They are the ones that follow the crowds of Muslims who want to believe in their hearts that Islam is what the teachers of Islam (Imams) are saying, ´that Islam is a religion of peace´.

And yet these same Imams are those who also remind the follows of Islam that they are not allowed to question its teachings. These that have been told not to question Muhammad and his teachings are those who I have talked with on the streets. I have found that because of their lack of knowledge about the Quran, they have no answers to my questions, so I ask them to go to their Imams to define the answers and then get back to me. Yet when they go to ask the Imams advise the Imams use the same old scare tactics," your not to question the teachings of Muhammad". And so it goes around in circles. I have been invited in a few Mosques, but thrown out when the questioning gets a little tougher for the Imams.

Questions like ´Why do the Islamic teachings teach to kill Christians?´

´Why does the god of Islam teach that it is OK to lie in the Quran?´

´Why does Islam teach that its ok to beat a women when she wont submit?´

´Why did Muhammad lie when he said that his god was the true God of Abraham or the God of Israel?´

These Questions go UN-answered by the Imam because its easier to ignore them then to confront the truths that they command followers to obey, without any question.

Yes the authorities in India have won this battle against 10 Islamic terrorists. But look at the cost. Look at the vehemence of destruction and murder that these 10 Islamic terrorists have caused.

Let me ask this. Dose stopping these 10 Islamic followers solve the problem, or does it just create more Islamic martyrs from the teachings of Islam who are willing to follow them?

I don´t hate Muslims I feel sorry for them. Truly they are the victims of this cult. In fact as a Christian my religious convictions entrust me to divide the truth from the deception by giving evidence individually or publicly. This is done from the gift of love and concern

But it will not help by trying to stop me from exposing Islam, which is what many of the Islamic groups in Canada have been trying to do. Not only have they been trying to advert "my" efforts to inform Canadians and expose the truth about Islamic teachings, but they have tried to stop many others in Canada as well. Just recently MacLean´s Magazine was taken to task for remarks published. And of course who could forget the "cartoons" and the devastation of Churches being burned to the ground and the murders that took place all around the world in Islamic societies and more importantly in Democratic countries as well, all in the name of this god Allah. .

Thank you India for getting these Islamic warriors by either killing them or capturing them. In the end the victory was yours.

The sad truth is that the teachings of Islam will ignite the need for further violence in many Muslims and they will to do the same.

Its up to us to help our Muslim neighbors to see the advantages of living in a free democratic country like Canada, and to see the disadvantages of trying to make Canada an Islamic society.

Lets start by making sure that Canada never adopts the Sharia laws.

I hope you all agree.

Mark Harding

Editor of:

E-mail: [email protected]

General of UCC (United Canadian Committee) E-mail: [email protected]

A video worth seeing.

The strength and bravery of this Jewish man is well worth watching.

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