It is so obvious that this is a fake:
#1) The idiot writes "charges of molesting of child" which sounds like awkward English. It sounds like a foreigner wrote this phrase......Uzi Zalka
#2) Then he writes "enticement of child", which sounds stupid.
#3)It's so obvious the picture looks like Chaim his 50s, yet the "article" says that the picture is Chaim at 33.
#4) Why would Chaim be smiling in his own mug shot? Who smiles in a mug shot.
#5) The sentences in the "article" are not justified on the right side. In a real newspaper article the sentences all line up on the right and left sides. Here there are sentences that end with a huge space following. Then the next sentence ends further to the right. What, did this jerk use a 1950s typewriter to make this.
#6) The first sentence states "...Victor Vancier from New York is facing charges of molesting of child, is scheduled to appear...", which is obvious poor grammar as a run on sentence.