It's too bad the car companies didn't feel as bad about all the homeless Vet's in the USA we have now (78% of homeless are Veteran's).
It's too bad they didn't care more about building housing or getting them off the streets as much as they cared about saving their mega-empires....
Just my 2 cents...
I want our veterans to be well taken care of however I don't think that its the fault of the motor companies that they are not. Our government has never been very generous with the people who served in the military. This is something that they really should be ashamed of. If there is one group of people above all that should get first class treatment in time of need its people who served in our military.
I never said it was the fault of the motor companies.... 
I was saying that sometimes when you are attempting to build your own little empire here in the USA, sometimes it is good to think of people, such as the homeless veterans and try to help them. If you notice, none of them are petititioning Congress for better housing, etc, it is to BAIL THEM OUT.....!!! They are thinking of themselves, and that is it.
Most large companies will give veterans first crack at a job they can do which is a good policy. I hate to burst a socilist bubble here but corporations really have no obligation to help the veterans, the poor or anyone else in need beond their charitable programs see fit. Congress and the American taxpayer should see to their needs.
Corporations don't do things for any other reason but to satisfy their shareholders, and once they start doing things that dont satisfy the shareholders... the management will be replaced.
Governments... on the other hand DO have an obligation to do support out veterans.
The duties of the two SHOULDNT be overlapped... as it always causes problems
You could say... why don't corporations do a lot of things..... Why dont they spend more time stopping the Islamification of America?, or why aren't they doing anything to stop teenage pregnancy? The answer is... if they do this... the majority of shareholders will probably fire the officers, since that's not what they are contractually supposed to do.
it IS the GOVERNMENTS job to take care of the veterans. IF that means ensuring more of individual and corporate taxes go towards paying back our veterans.. .then so be it. But again.. this IS the job of the government.
I think its awful that all these companies are getting bailouts... because it is blurring the division between the public sector with the private... and that can cause terrible things.