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Offline Cyberella

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Friends, call, write, fax and email to help get Campeon and Ramos released from prison.

In case you are not familiar with their case; they are Texas border patrol agents who were thrown in prison for shooting an illegal alien drug smuggler on Texas soil.
The Mexican drug smuggler was caught on Texas soil with a large shipment of illegal drugs.
He tried to flee and threatened the agents, whereby the agents shot him in his backside. (survived)


2008 3:46 am
Posts: 241  From the Desk of:
Steve Elliott, President, Alliance


On the day following the Official Ramos and Compean Day of
support, Ron De Jong received a phone call from one of our
Capitol contacts saying there was a "heavy volume of phone
calls and faxes for Ramos and Compean."

While I'm indeed grateful for such a tremendous outpouring of
support, both of these men remain in solitary confinement--
away from their families as we enter the most blessed time
of the year.

++ One Day Isn't Enough

Giving these former agents one "official" day of support simply
isn't enough. We need to do more. In fact, we need to keep
pressing until they are returned to their families...

dice, I'm urging EVERY member of our 1.5 million
strong team to continue calling the White House
and the Office of the Pardon Attorney, as well
as your two Senators right through to President
Bush's last day in office.

In fact, if you haven't yet scheduled your personalized
faxes, do so by clicking here: ... D=17335682

If you would prefer to send the faxes yourself, we have
provided all the information you need (including fax numbers)
at this special FaxFire site. Whatever method you choose,
it is vital that you do something to help. Thank you!

We simply must keep up the pressure, and taking 5 minutes out of
our day to call once or twice a week does make an impact.

Here are the contact numbers that you need:

White House: 202-456-1111,
Office of the Pardon Attorney: 202-616-6070

Remember, when calling be polite in your demands that their
lengthy prison sentences be commutated.

++ Alert Your Friends

This terrible story is an American tragedy, and as such I want as
many American citizens to know who Ramos and Compean are.

I want them to know how these two men put their lives on the line
for us. And finally, I want them to know how much they need us to
step up for them in their hour of need.

Please forward this message to 20-25 friends--encouraging
them to stand with you on behalf of Ramos and Compean by
calling the numbers above, and scheduling personal faxes
by clicking below: ... D=17335682

We need to continue to press for their freedom--right to the end.
Please commit with me to call a couple of times each week on behalf
of Ramos and Compean.

Thanks for standing with Grassfire.


P.S: To write Jose Compean or Nacho Ramos, see below:

Ignacio Ramos #58079-180
FCI Phoenix
Federal Correctional Institution
37910 N. 45th Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85086

Jose Compean #58080180
FCI Elkton
PO Box 10
Lisbon, OH 44432


Please read this account by World Net Daily:

Border Patrol agents

sentenced to prison
11-12 years for shooting drug-smuggling

suspect in buttocks as he fled across frontier


Agent Jose Alonso Compean. Courtesy of KFOX-TV
Two U.S. Border Patrol agents were sentenced to prison terms of 11 years and 12 years for shooting a drug-smuggling suspect in the buttocks as he fled across the U.S.-Mexico border.

U.S. District Court Judge Kathleen Cardone in El Paso, Texas, sentenced Jose Alonso Compean to 12 years in prison and Ignacio Ramos to 11 years and one day despite a plea by their attorney for a new trial after three jurors said they were coerced into voting guilty in the case, the Washington Times reported.

As WorldNetDaily reported, a federal jury convicted Compean, 28, and Ramos, 37, in March after a two-week trial on charges of causing serious bodily injury, assault with a deadly weapon, discharge of a firearm in relation to a crime of violence and a civil rights violation.

Ramos is an eight-year veteran of the U.S. Naval Reserve and a former nominee for Border Patrol Agent of the Year.

On Feb. 17, 2005, he responded to a request for back up from Compean, who noticed a suspicious van near the levee road along the Rio Grande River near the Texas town of Fabens, about 40 miles east of El Paso.

Ramos, who headed toward Fabens hoping to cut off the van, soon joined a third agent already in pursuit.

Behind the wheel of the van was an illegal alien, Osbaldo Aldrete-Davila of Mexico. Unknown to the growing number of Border Patrol agents converging on Fabens, Aldrete-Davila's van was carrying 800 pounds of marijuana.

Unable to outrun Ramos and the third agent, Aldrete-Davila stopped the van on the levee, jumped out and started running toward the river. When he reached the other side of the levee, he was met by Compean who had anticipated the smuggler's attempt to get back to Mexico.

"We both yelled out for him to stop, but he wouldn't stop, and he just kept running," Ramos told California's Inland Valley Daily Bulletin. Aldrete-Davila crossed a canal.

"At some point during the time where I'm crossing the canal, I hear shots being fired," Ramos said. "Later, I see Compean on the ground, but I keep running after the smuggler."

At that point, Ramos said, Aldrete-Davila turned toward him, pointing what looked like a gun.

"I shot," Ramos said. "But I didn't think he was hit, because he kept running into the brush and then disappeared into it. Later, we all watched as he jumped into a van waiting for him. He seemed fine. It didn't look like he had been hit at all."

The commotion and multiple calls for back up had brought seven other agents – including two supervisors – to the crossing by this time. Compean picked up his shell casings, but Ramos did not. He also did not follow agency procedure and report that he had fired his weapon.

"The supervisors knew that shots were fired," Ramos told the paper. "Since nobody was injured or hurt, we didn't file the report. That's the only thing I would've done different."

Had he done that one thing differently, it's unlikely it would have mattered to prosecutors.

More than two weeks after the incident, Christopher Sanchez, an investigator with the Department of Homeland Security's Office of Inspector General, received a call from a Border Patrol agent in Wilcox, Ariz. The agent's mother-in-law had received a call from Aldrete-Davila's mother in Mexico telling her that her son had been wounded in the buttocks in the shooting.

Sanchez followed up with a call of his own to the smuggler in Mexico.

In a move that still confuses Ramos and Compean, the U.S. government filed charges against them after giving full immunity to Aldrete-Davila and paying for his medical treatment at an El Paso hospital.

At trial, Assistant U.S. Attorney Debra Kanof told the court that the agents had violated an unarmed Aldrete-Davila's civil rights.

"The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled it is a violation of someone's Fourth Amendment rights to shoot them in the back while fleeing if you don't know who they are and/or if you don't know they have a weapon," said Kanof.

Kanof dismissed Ramos' testimony that he had seen something shiny in the smuggler's hand, saying that the agent couldn't be sure it was a gun he had seen.

Further, Kanof argued, it was a violation of Border Patrol policy for agents to pursue fleeing suspects.

"Agents are not allowed to pursue. In order to exceed the speed limit, you have to get supervisor approval, and they did not," she told the Daily Bulletin.

Those shell casings Compean picked up were described to the jury as destroying the crime scene and their failure to file an incident report – punishable by a five-day suspension, according to Border Patrol regulations – an attempted cover up.

The Texas jury came back with a guilty verdict. Conviction for discharging a firearm in relation to a crime of violence has an automatic 10-year sentence. The other counts have varying punishments.

"How are we supposed to follow the Border Patrol strategy of apprehending terrorists or drug smugglers if we are not supposed to pursue fleeing people?" said Ramos, who noted that he only did on that day what he had done for the previous 10 years. "Everybody who's breaking the law flees from us. What are we supposed to do? Do they want us to catch them or not?"

He also noted that none of the other agents who had responded to the incident filed reports that shots were fired and, besides, both supervisors at the scene knew they had discharged their weapons.

"You need to tell a supervisor because you can't assume that a supervisor knows about it," Kanof countered. "You have to report any discharge of a firearm."

"This is the greatest miscarriage of justice I have ever seen," said Andy Ramirez of the nonprofit group Friends of the Border Patrol. "This drug smuggler has fully contributed to the destruction of two brave agents and their families and has sent a very loud message to the other Border Patrol agents: If you confront a smuggler, this is what will happen to you."

The El Paso Sheriff's Department increased its patrols around the Ramos home when the family received threats from people they believed were associated with Aldrete-Davila.

Please read some of the articles that I have linked:

Tom Tancredo: America itself "In Mortal Danger"

Get Minutemen founder's new book

Get special Whistleblower issue: "SECRETS OF THE INVASION"

"Conquest of Aztlan": Will Mexicans retake American Southwest?

Previous stories:

2 Border Patrol agents face 20 years in prison

Cross-border firefight shocks U.S. lawmen

National Guard units to be armed, close to the border

Gang expert backs Tancredo charge

National Guard units to be armed, close to the border

No militarization of U.S.-Mex border

Not even killer flu to shut U.S. border

Chertoff downplays Mexican military incursions

'Shoot illegals' comment earns host FCC complaint

Another armed incursion on U.S.-Mexico border

Texas border standoff with Mexican military

Border Patrol warned: Brace for violence

Feds to border agents: Assassins targeting you

Armed standoff on Rio Grande

Border sheriff warns: We're overwhelmed

Mexican drug commandos expand ops in 6 U.S. states

It's war between cops in Mexico

The threat from Mexico

'It's a war' along Mexican border

Mexican commandos seek control of border

Mexican commandos new threat on border

Border Patrol agents shot in Laredo

Mexicans shoot at Border Patrol
« Last Edit: December 18, 2008, 11:29:37 AM by Cyberella »

Offline Amir

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« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2008, 11:01:34 AM »
this is terrible. you get thrown into jail for defending your own country  >:(
Peace can be achieved when the Arabs love their children more than they hate the children of Israel.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2008, 01:45:48 PM »
Ramos and Compean are the Gentile Jonathan Pollards.

Did you know that the drug dealer in question has been given LIFETIME immunity for any drug offense in exchange for his "testimony" against those brave heroes by direct decree from President Bush?

Offline JewishAmericanPatriot

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« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2008, 07:36:55 PM »
Mike Gallagher on his conservative talk radio show this morning, admitted to meeting Bush the day before at a special invite to the White House, and not mentioning his desire for Ramos and Compean to be pardoned!!!! He said, "This is probably something I'll have to live with the rest of my life, but I just didn't it was the proper time and place".  >:( >:(

Then he had the nerve to have the wife of one of the heroes on his show as a guest!!

WHAT an idiot!!

America's Last Stand: