LBJ was a colorful character. He was a product of the New Deal and wanted his presidency to be a continuation of that sort of policy. Not many folks here on the forum can actually say they remember when LBJ was in the White House but I can. I can still remember him on the nightly news reports and the way he spoke in his speeches. He was some piece of work picking his dogs up by the ears skinny dipping in the White House pool, tossing the White House china around. His policies back then seemed very liberal but by today's standards would not even raise an eyebrow. For all the bad things he did he did do some good. Before he became president he pushed programs like the rural electrification projects that brought electricity to millions of people who still lived by candle light as late as the 1950's in parts of America. LBJ had a rough presidency saddled with Viet Nam , forced to sign a bill for civil rights that he really would not have cared to and worst of all being president with the ghost of JFK over his back could not be pleasant. On top of it all he had to deal with RFK . LBJ's policies and mine are not alike however I don't think he was evil or wanted to undermine the country he was just doing what he thought was best for his constituency.