Author Topic: Everyone, beware of "Elle," as this is just Archie the Nazi  (Read 6164 times)

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Offline DownwithIslam

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Everyone, beware of "Elle," as this is just Archie the Nazi
« on: December 15, 2008, 08:31:13 AM »
Archie the Nazi has signed up using a proxy and is going by the name "Elle." He said he was going to do this in a post on Rachmim ben menashes hideous site. If you look at his profile, you will see his email address is SarahTurner@gmail or something like that yet he lists his gender as male. Plus the writing style is exactly the way that shmuck writes. This piece of garbage needs to be banned and I hope it is done soon. He signed up under "mohamad" and claimed he was from gaza while starting these nonsensical chit chats before.
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Offline mord

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Re: Everyone, beware of "Elle," as this is just Archie the Nazi
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2008, 08:48:03 AM »
oh thats who the fool is maybe he really is a fag
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Offline DownwithIslam

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Re: Everyone, beware of "Elle," as this is just Archie the Nazi
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2008, 09:23:03 AM »
Yes Mord, it is Archie the homosexual nazi who has been attacking JTF on Yacov Menashe the meshugana's forum.
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Offline MasterWolf1

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Re: Everyone, beware of "Elle," as this is just Archie the Nazi
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2008, 09:29:52 AM »
I suspected something very strange right away about this individual.  First of all this person can't spell for anything and 2nd all his jibberish is completely leftist and he claims he voted for Obama or she or whatever.

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Re: Everyone, beware of "Elle," as this is just Archie the Nazi
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2008, 09:35:58 AM »
Pheasant banned "Elle."

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Re: Everyone, beware of "Elle," as this is just Archie the Nazi
« Reply #5 on: December 15, 2008, 09:44:29 AM »
Pheasant banned "Elle."
It wasn't hard to spot that it was going to be trouble when it first made an account last night.
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.

Offline DownwithIslam

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Re: Everyone, beware of "Elle," as this is just Archie the Nazi
« Reply #6 on: December 15, 2008, 10:25:35 AM »
It was Archie the nazi. Anyone with an email address of and then has "male" chosen as their gender, needs to be banned.
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Re: Everyone, beware of "Elle," as this is just Archie the Nazi
« Reply #7 on: December 15, 2008, 11:11:11 AM »
Pheasant banned "Elle."
It wasn't hard to spot that it was going to be trouble when it first made an account last night.

He he he. 
Yes it was a real freak. The web is more astonishing than the safari. Everyday you will see something new.

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Re: Everyone, beware of "Elle," as this is just Archie the Nazi
« Reply #8 on: December 15, 2008, 11:49:51 AM »
Anyone who thinks LBJ was our best president is mentally challenged.

Offline mord

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Re: Everyone, beware of "Elle," as this is just Archie the Nazi
« Reply #9 on: December 15, 2008, 11:59:44 AM »
Archie is'nt a nazi he's a circus clown
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Offline White Israelite

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Re: Everyone, beware of "Elle," as this is just Archie the Nazi
« Reply #10 on: December 15, 2008, 01:06:24 PM »
Who is Archie or Sarah?

Online Chaim Ben Pesach

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Re: Everyone, beware of "Elle," as this is just Archie the Nazi
« Reply #11 on: December 15, 2008, 03:13:00 PM »
Archie is a Nazi. He uploaded a video on zootube/youtube in which he called me a "dirty Jew". Archie also wrote in response to comments on the video that he wants "Hitler to rise up out of his grave" to murder Jews again.

Despite this Nazi Jew-hatred, Archie is an accepted member of the splinter forums and is a friend of Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim. Just as Tina Greco the Nazi was an accepted member of the splinter forum even after she placed a picture of JTF members on the Nazi site StørmFrønt and then bragged about it on the splinter forum. The splinter forum refused to ban Tina Greco the Nazi even though they knew what she did. Because the traitors of the splinter forum will work with Nazis, Jew-haters, and the devil himself so long as it is against Chaim Ben Pesach and JTF.

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Re: Everyone, beware of "Elle," as this is just Archie the Nazi
« Reply #12 on: December 15, 2008, 03:15:29 PM »
It's so obvious that this is Archie.

He has an IQ comparable to a dog. No offense to dogs.

He gave himself away by spacing out his sentences like this.

It's the preferred writing style of that piece of garbage.

He also wrote a question for Ask JTF. I'm removing it. Nazis have no place on our forum. And they certainly should not have the privilege of even addressing Chaim. The nerve of that delusional animal.

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Archie/Elle's greatest posts
« Reply #13 on: December 15, 2008, 03:42:19 PM »
Archie/Elle's greatest posts:

1. Claims to be a "right wing" male Jew:


My name is Elle. Just wanted to introduce myself to everyone here and to tell you how much I agree with some of your view points.

I am a 23 years young and I just finished my degree in Dance & Drama. I really hope to make it to Hollywood one day.

I come to JTF seeking moral support. I have been through alot in my life. Recently my father passed away and my consciousness is killing me. We did not speak for the last 8 years. We just had different views in life I guess.

I am a right wing Jew who is proud of his background.


2. Acknowledges his homosexuality:

I like older men, they are alot more experienced !

3. Acknowledges that he/she (could of had a sex change operation by now, who knows?) voted for Barack Obama ys"v:

relax buddy.

barak will be fine.

i know because i voted for him !

you are all just a bit paranoid  :)

Offline DownwithIslam

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Re: Everyone, beware of "Elle," as this is just Archie the Nazi
« Reply #14 on: December 15, 2008, 04:38:23 PM »
Archie is a nazi, no doubt about it. I was shocked that when he rose from the dead as "Mohamad from Gaza," some people on this forum actually had a dialogue with him and didn't catch on. The fact that Yacov Rachamim the shmuck accepts him as some type of wizard is even more frightening. What this proves again is that Yacov Menashe Rachamim is not qualified to run a brothel in an arab country, let alone the jtf forum. I still can't believe that the mentally retarded asperger patient was the dictator of this forum for over a year. He must be depressed now cause their isn't a single woman for him to try and impress with moderator positions on his "forum."(Yehudit or whatever it's name is cannot be considered a woman)
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Offline Ulli

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Re: Everyone, beware of "Elle," as this is just Archie the Nazi
« Reply #15 on: December 15, 2008, 04:53:04 PM »
Archie is a nazi, no doubt about it. I was shocked that when he rose from the dead as "Mohamad from Gaza," some people on this forum actually had a dialogue with him and didn't catch on. The fact that Yacov Rachamim the shmuck accepts him as some type of wizard is even more frightening. What this proves again is that Yacov Menashe Rachamim is not qualified to run a brothel in an arab country, let alone the jtf forum. I still can't believe that the mentally retarded asperger patient was the dictator of this forum for over a year. He must be depressed now cause their isn't a single woman for him to try and impress with moderator positions on his "forum."(Yehudit or whatever it's name is cannot be considered a woman)

I think we should end it here. If Archie is really a homosexual and has called our good Chaim "dirty Jew", like it looks according to his own statements, he is in direct opposition to the law.

He should be worth to us no further word.

If he will continue with his evil deeds, we should give him a good trashing. I mean physically and not allegorical.
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

Offline Mishmaat

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Re: Everyone, beware of "Elle," as this is just Archie the Nazi
« Reply #16 on: December 15, 2008, 04:58:25 PM »
Quite true DWI. To say that Yacov Menashe is mildly retarded would be the understatement of the year, if not the century. I don't know what the other brain dead creature is.

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Re: Everyone, beware of "Elle," as this is just Archie the Nazi
« Reply #17 on: December 15, 2008, 05:02:34 PM »
No way this guy has Asperger's. That gives people higher than normal intelligence.

The Nazi certainly got hit with a stupid stick at some point in his life though.

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Re: Everyone, beware of "Elle," as this is just Archie the Nazi
« Reply #18 on: December 15, 2008, 05:43:14 PM »
No way this guy has Asperger's. That gives people higher than normal intelligence.

The Nazi certainly got hit with a stupid stick at some point in his life though.
No the asperger pateint is Yacov Menashe Rachamim the moron. The funniest thing about that moron is that he made threads about banning everything under the sun yet he would email members of the forum perverted personal questions. This psycho should of been sent to creedmore before he ever got a chance to moderate anything. I am repeating all this simply because he welcomes the nazi Archie with open arms and seems to be in love with him.
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Re: Everyone, beware of "Elle," as this is just Archie the Nazi
« Reply #19 on: December 15, 2008, 05:44:57 PM »
Quite true DWI. To say that Yacov Menashe is mildly retarded would be the understatement of the year, if not the century. I don't know what the other brain dead creature is.

He is not mildly retarded, the problem is much deeper. He has severe behavioral problems in addition to the retardation. Unfortunately, I am unable to diagnose all rachamim's issues. You would need numerous PHD's to figure out what is wrong with that shmuch.
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Re: Everyone, beware of "Elle," as this is just Archie the Nazi
« Reply #20 on: December 15, 2008, 06:25:34 PM »
Archie is a nazi, no doubt about it. I was shocked that when he rose from the dead as "Mohamad from Gaza," some people on this forum actually had a dialogue with him and didn't catch on. The fact that Yacov Rachamim the shmuck accepts him as some type of wizard is even more frightening. What this proves again is that Yacov Menashe Rachamim is not qualified to run a brothel in an arab country, let alone the jtf forum. I still can't believe that the mentally retarded asperger patient was the dictator of this forum for over a year. He must be depressed now cause their isn't a single woman for him to try and impress with moderator positions on his "forum."(Yehudit or whatever it's name is cannot be considered a woman)

I didn't know archie had uploaded nazi videos on youtube.  I never saw them.
Yehudit would not have known.. she doesn't get involved in the dramas. And there's no way she would  allow archie on if she believed he had done that. I doubt she has even heard the allegation.

I noticed his email address of "sarah" while he identified himself as a He. No point reporting it because obviously others would notice looking at his profile. And no harm in dialogue.. I can't ban him! Just be aware and don't appoint him as a moderator!

Chaim - how do you know it was Archie  that uploaded them?

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Re: Everyone, beware of "Elle," as this is just Archie the Nazi
« Reply #21 on: December 15, 2008, 06:28:43 PM »
Asperger's causes increased intelligence. It can cause other problems though but it doesn't make people retarded, actually the opposite.

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Re: Everyone, beware of "Elle," as this is just Archie the Nazi
« Reply #22 on: December 15, 2008, 06:38:39 PM »
Asperger's causes increased intelligence. It can cause other problems though but it doesn't make people retarded, actually the opposite.

Yes but Rachamim has multiple illnesses.
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Offline Mishmaat

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Re: Everyone, beware of "Elle," as this is just Archie the Nazi
« Reply #23 on: December 15, 2008, 11:47:16 PM »
He is not mildly retarded, the problem is much deeper. He has severe behavioral problems in addition to the retardation. Unfortunately, I am unable to diagnose all rachamim's issues. You would need numerous PHD's to figure out what is wrong with that shmuch.

I was actually implying that he's beyond mildly retarded. All of the psychologists, psychoanalysts, psychiatrists and medical doctors in the world would have a tough time diagnosing him.

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Re: Everyone, beware of "Elle," as this is just Archie the Nazi
« Reply #24 on: December 15, 2008, 11:49:53 PM »
Archie, the Nazi faggot, has declared on the mental midget's forum that he's going to continue his "anti-CBP YouTube campaign."