Neither Breslov or Chabad are "dangerous" and need to be "kept away from" !
(it is possible with chabad that you don't like a particular chabad house, but then another will be fine)
You could replace the term zionist with "National Religious". Hardcore non or anti zionists won't like that either.. the question is, what aspects of it are they for and what aspects are they against. I think you'd find that they favour -continued- sovereignty(to protect(not endanger) jewish lives) , and an army(to protect jewish lives), and even not giving away land (to not endanger jewish lives).
All because if we don't then jewish lives will be lost.
A RZ/proper national religious, would say the above are torah mandates in themselves.
G-d actually wants us ro rule there. (may mention the RAMBAN that includes a mitzva of conquer it in every generation)
The 1967 6 day war paralleled the bible story of Joshua's 6 day war and is a clear obvious sign that G-d wanted and wants us to conquer the land. (so, divine providence)
A fairly hardcore anti zionist might say it's a sin, and if they could remove it peacefully they would but it's not possible. The arabs would not let us just leave in peace, they would pounce. So therefore it stays. A matter of not endangering jewish lives even more.