A malshin is someone who speaks against Jews enticing goyim to attack or harm them. A Moser is somoeone who gives information to enemies in a way that they can attack. I don't know that Hallachic difference. A Rav could explain it.
But if hugging Ahamadineyad.... congratulating Hamas..... saying that terror attacks are G-d will... all that in front of Goyim.... if that is not enticing....then what is a malshin?
it's worth pointing out that this is a group or two within neturei karta that stand with our enemies , and visit ahmed.. those actions are condemned by other groups within NK. But anyhow,
they don't congratulate hamas.
they don't say anything against hamas either because they don't want to fight them.
they stand with our enemies at rallies, which is problematic.. and this is what separates them from other NK, satmar, and charedim.
the idea of G-d's actions , good or bad, being G-d's will, is classic. I doubt that they send letters to Hamas telling Hamas that Hamas are doing G-d's will by killing jews..
Have you seen video of their meeting with ahmedinejad? they rise in his honour , they give him a valuable goblet. They are honouring him showing their submission to him, accepting his rule.
Why do they live in America? Because they know america is better!! They know that ahmed is a dictator and they honour him with gifts. They are afraid for the jews in the arab world, so they visit them and make sure they are ok. (their fear is that arabs will get mad and attack all jews- because of zionists).
Their whole thing is they don't want power, they want the nations to have the power. And they want to ingratiate the goyim that grant jews permission to live in the land..
It's not that they are saying "well done, keep killing jews".
Saying that terror attacks are G-d's will is a classic right wing religious attitude, even for religious zionists, that we are sinning and G-d punishes us. Religious zionists would say we are attacked because we aren't performing G-d's will of removing them from our land - e.g. the tenach talks about the philistines there being thorns in our sides. When Charedim were targetted in a terrorist attack they responded by looking inwards, what sins had they committed(they just don't think regarding national sins). NK think zionism is the biggest sin we are doing in our times.. (infact so do satmar probably), charedim consider it a huge sin, like reform(trying to abolish the torah) with guns.
Now, when they stand with people that support Hamas or Hezbollah, not a world leader like Ahmed. But just regular people. I think they are just trying to publicise their message. I have seen them though talk when they are surrounded by such people, and they pray for the peaceful dismantlement of the state. They don't change that message. But they are standing with our enemies, as if to make our enemies kosher. It is wrong..
They are harmless though.. Informers pass information(this causes great harm). But NK are not in the loop. They are not double agents pretending to be zionists and passing information to Hamas to help them kill jews.
They do help jews in arab countries.
I've mentioned the following in past threads, it may interest you
extract from this great interview with an intellectual skver chassid.
http://jschick.blogspot.com/2006/02/rabbi-mayer-schiller-on-neturei-karta.htmlRMS: In NK there are several streams. There is 1) Jerusalem based NKers who oppose the state but will never speak about Palestinian rule or what should follow on the state's dissolution. (Like mainstream Satmar they have block in their ideology, that is, no Israel but no alternative!) they would never appear with Palestinians and the like. 2) Rabbi Hirsch who believes that Palestinian rule is inevitable and it is best to be nice today for who knows what will happen later. These people also based in Jerusalem in Torah V'yirah will march with Palestinians. 3) Rabbi Domb in London, very against any involvement with Palestinians although fervently anti state. 4) Rabbi Becher in London. Has his own theory on what Satmar Rov and Reb Amram really wanted. You'd have to ask him. 5) Rabbi Beck and followers. 6) Rabbi Beck's dissidents.