If mankind was not meant to enjoy tobacco, then why did Ha'Shem create us with actual nicotein receptors in our brains?
If mankind was not meant to use opium poppies as medicine for relief of pain and anxiety, then why did Ha'Shem create us with actual opioid receptors in our brains?
If smoking a cigarette will shorten my life by "x" amount of minutes or hours, then someone will have to tell me exactly when my death is supposed to take place, so I may make up my mind as to whether or not I choose to wait until that moment, because using this faulty logic can only produce flawed conclusions such as these:
Those who perished in the 9/11 Trade Towers bombing, would have lived much longer lives, had they only not smoked any cigarettes.
If someone dies during their teen years, whether from disease or other causes, then we must assume that it happened to them because they were heavy smokers.
If your doctor diagnoses you with a terminal illness, for which there is no treatment or known cure, and gives you approximately six months to get your affairs in order, you can then count the number of cigarettes which you smoked during your life, and subtract all of the minutes from the six months to find out how long you really will live! Or; if you never smoked at all, shouldn't you add on some time to what the doctor predicts?
Health experts always show statistical charts and graphs, which appear to correlate cancer incidence with the approximate years cigarettes became popular. However, they always neglect to mention that the very same years cigarettes achieved popularity, were also the very same years that the internal combustion automobile engine became popular and began pouring tons and tons of pollutants into our air; the same oversight is applied to the years of industrial air and water pollution.
The most neglected and censored factor which plays a tremendous role in the cancer rates, is the permanent effects worldwide to our air, water, and food, which resulted from numerous atmospheric nuclear bomb tests held throughout the 50's and 60's by the U.S., France, U.S.S.R, and China. Scientists who specialize in the effects of radioactive poisoning know that the epidemics of breast cancer, thyroid cancer, and prostate cancer, are primarily the result of our previous nuclear bomb tests. Funny...meanwhile idiots in the media keep printing articles telling us to stop eating fat because it is the factor for breast and prostate cancer! Maybe so, but if it is it's only because poisons are stored in body fat! Meanwhile the Chernobyl reactor continues to spew poisonous radioactivity worldwide and will continue unabated for untold thousands and thousands of years. It's an out-of-control nuclear fission meltdown which CAN NOT be stopped.
And, in closing, DON"T FORGET:
9 out of 10 Doctors Recommend Smoking KENT Cigarettes with the "Micronite" Filter! (years later identified as asbestos fibres)
Ronald Reagan always sends cartons of CHESTERFIELD Cigarettes at Christmas time to all of his friends and family, because the taste is mild!
WINSTON tastes GOOD! Like a cigarette should!
Come to MARLBORO Country!
Nadiv's are manufactured with camel dung mixed with bad quality Arab tobacco!
p.s.--if smoking's so bad for you, then why are Keith Richards and Willie Nelson living so long and having so much fun?
Huh? Huh? Got you on that one!