I think Obama is going to try to cover this up... like everything else. 
You know Briann, I DONT get it, I remember when this story broke, this last summer with you, Techdude, and TXDARLIN- WTF happened??!!
TexasDarling was a Hillary supporter... so once it seemed impossible for Hillary to become the nominee... she lost interest... BUT noquarterusa has continued.. .and they are still great.
TechDude is a mystery. He sorta disappeared. He was always anonymous to begin with so no one really knows anything.
One thing that people need to understand. When you get close to the truth... you start to get attention... and you start to get threats... and most Americans just aren't used to this sort of thing. It really takes a hero to not get phased by all of this.
We've seen it here a lot. Once our party put up a ballot initiative for 'reclassifying Islam' in New York as a political movement instead of a religion... all hell broke loose. We all started getting death threats. and we lost many members. I think as time goes by... and people get more desperate... Americans will get their integrity back.
But for now... it seems like where all underground.