Author Topic: Right-wing politics and sex  (Read 2053 times)

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Offline Fruit of thy loins

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Right-wing politics and sex
« on: March 09, 2007, 12:02:52 AM »
It's a shame the post I made about homosexuals and the roots of their behaviour was removed, but I suppose it was too explicit.  I wanted to add one more comment.  Why are right-wing people usually so kinky sexually?  Let me illustrate by means of a parable.  What can a young, outward-looking, flakey liberal blonde be likened to?  To a lukewarm cup of coffee.  You don't really enjoy drinking it, and you have to rush to gulp it down before it becomes intolerable.

I passed by a young blonde the other day; she had a contented look on her face, like a serene cow chewing grass in the field, long blonde hair, and her nose was pierced (another mark of the beast).  And she clasped eyes upon me, and smiled, and she looked entirely docile.  It was from these factors that I adduced that she was a flakey leftist (leftists are by their nature suicidal and pacifist).  I could well imagine her with a black or white guy; sitting there stroking him, making chat, laughing, fretting over fair trade and the Third World, listening to rubbish hippy music, and letting the world whiz past her.

Compare and contrast to the evil young maidens one sees from time to time - well-dressed, with sharp, honed expressions; they smoke, and their lithe, gorgeous bodies induce the mind's eye to fits of ecstasy ... they are inexorably cruel, exclusive, and they know how wonderful they are ... their breasts and their feet are madly desirous of oral stimulation, and they smoke, which lends to them an added layer of hot sexuality.

These women are right-wing.  They are unlike cattle; and they have sex with black men only for mercenary and cruel reasons (viz, to annoy flakey white males).

They are not content but rather, always animated, always primed, always ready to take what they want ... they are right-wing, kinky.

Whereas it is fair to say that left-wing women, the cows, the black-lovers, are insipid lovers; by loving everyone, by inflating their love, they reduce the uniqueness and value of their love.  To love exclusively is to love meaningfully.

Howbeit I set eyes upon all young women now, and imagine them with black men, and they are forever sullied before me.

They need to prove themselves before me, for I am a righteous judge.
Every white woman deserves the black man of her dreams.  But what does every white man deserve?