The fact that this pornographic tabloid is the second-biggest national newspaper in the Holy Land is an abomination nearly as evil as what freeing Kuntar (ys"vz) was. This rag actually makes the pronouncements of Supreme Revolutionary Ayatollah Ali Khameinei look moderate! If you want to see some rhetoric agitating for a second Shoah that makes al-Jazeera look tame, check out some of these hideous official editorials by Fa' I wonder if this paper is co-owned by David Duke and Sheik Nasrallah some days.

Of course, the real outrage is not just that the blood libels this tabloid promotes are tolerated, but that they are very much within the mainstream of Israeli public discourse. way out of Gaza
By Akiva Eldar
Tags: israel, hamas, gaza
Let's leave aside for a moment, despite the difficulty in doing so, the ethical aspect of bombing residential neighborhoods. Political accounts between the ruling and opposition parties, both of which voted for bombing Gaza, can be postponed until February 10...
...The tremendous population density in the Gaza Strip does not allow a "surgical operation" over an extended period that would minimize damage to civilian populations...
...There is no exit from the unnecessary entanglement in the south other than an immediate renewal of the cease-fire with Hamas and adherence to all its criteria, including lifting the extended blockade of the Strip. (Chaimfan: Was there ever a "blockade" to begin with?)Fear of an escalation could encourage external actors like Egypt and Turkey to contribute their part to the cease-fire's implementation. Perhaps instead of "embracing" the family of captive soldier Gilad Shalit (WTF is this supposed to mean???), Israel will pursue a new agreement toward exchanging him for Palestinian prisoners. After all, the same people here who lambasted lawmakers for bombing Gaza also want to bring Gilad home. (Oh please. Next you will try to sell me some New Mexico beachfront property.), don't invade
By Haaretz Editorial
Tags: israel, israel news, hamas
...Combat in densely populated urban areas is liable to result in numerous IDF casualties and will inevitably harm the civilian population in whose midst the clashes will take place. It could be that momentary operational opportunities will justify selective deployment of special forces, but executing any plan that involves operating deep inside Gaza and encompasses brigades and divisions would violate the logic of a limited operation.
The initial aerial assault should lead to a diplomatic move whose goal is a genuine cessation of fire and the return of Gilad Shalit, without any winking or excuses by Hamas. Israel is entitled to exercise its right to self-defense, including via offensive measures. But it must not overreach on the ground.
And this one could have come right out of der fuhrer's anus-lips: / Trying to 'teach Hamas a lesson' is fundamentally wrong
By Tom Segev
Tags: israel, israel news, gaza
Channel 1 television broadcast an interesting mix on Saturday morning: Its correspondents reported from Sderot and Ashkelon, but the pictures on the screen were from the Gaza Strip. Thus the broadcast, albeit unintentionally, sent the right message: A child in Sderot is the same as a child in Gaza, and anyone who harms either is evil. (Except for the one who is harming an Israeli child.)
But the assault on Gaza does not first and foremost demand moral condemnation - it demands a few historical reminders. Both the justification given for it and the chosen targets are a replay of the same basic assumptions that have proven wrong time after time. Yet Israel still pulls them out of its hat again and again, in one war after another.
Israel is striking at the Palestinians to "teach them a lesson." That is a basic assumption that has accompanied the Zionist enterprise (did Fag Buchanus write this editorial?) since its inception: We are the representatives of progress and enlightenment, sophisticated rationality and morality, while the Arabs are a primitive, violent rabble, ignorant children who must be educated and taught wisdom - via, of course, the carrot-and-stick method, just as the drover does with his donkey.
The bombing of Gaza is also supposed to "liquidate the Hamas regime," in line with another assumption that has accompanied the Zionist movement since its inception: that it is possible to impose a "moderate" leadership on the Palestinians, one that will abandon their national aspirations.
As a corollary, Israel has also always believed that causing suffering to Palestinian civilians (Free food, electricity, and healthcare are an interesting definition of "suffering.") would make them rebel against their national leaders. This assumption has proven wrong over and over.
All of Israel's wars have been based on yet another assumption that has been with us from the start: that we are only defending ourselves. "Half a million Israelis are under fire," screamed the banner headline of Sunday's Yedioth Ahronoth - just as if the Gaza Strip had not been subjected to a lengthy siege that destroyed an entire generation's chances of living lives worth living. (Isn't it about time to pick up your stormtrooper suit from the dry cleaners, Tom?)
It is admittedly impossible to live with daily missile fire, even if virtually no place in the world today enjoys a situation of zero terror. But Hamas is not a terrorist organization holding Gaza residents hostage: It is a religious nationalist movement, and a majority of Gaza residents believe in its path. (How lovely! Hamas is really just a wonderful, moderate organization just like the writer's beloved NSDAP!) One can certainly attack it, and with Knesset elections in the offing, this attack might even produce some kind of cease-fire. But there is another historical truth worth recalling in this context: Since the dawn of the Zionist presence in the Land of Israel, (Great rhetoric, Adolf.) no military operation has ever advanced dialogue with the Palestinians.
Most dangerous of all is the cliche that there is no one to talk to. That has never been true. There are even ways to talk with Hamas, and Israel has something to offer the organization. Ending the siege of Gaza and allowing freedom of movement between Gaza and the West Bank could rehabilitate life in the Strip. (We are all mistaken at JTF! All the Arabs want is free trade and capitalism so that they can be modern economic power-players!)
At the same time, it is worth dusting off the old plans prepared after the Six-Day War, under which thousands of families were to be relocated from Gaza to the West Bank. Those plans were never implemented because the West Bank was slated to be used for Jewish settlement. And that was the most damaging working assumption of all. (Fa'agetz' solution no doubt is to construct a second Auschwitz for those pesky Jewish citizens of Judea and Samaria.)
I knew Fa'agetz was a hideous left-wing propaganda organization, but I didn't think it would be
this extreme and anti-Semitic. Chaim, please give this "publication" a big, hearty yimach schmo.