Author Topic: Can you grasp the significance of all of this?  (Read 783 times)

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Offline zachor_ve_kavod

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Can you grasp the significance of all of this?
« on: January 08, 2009, 06:33:42 PM »
It is very difficult, almost impossible actually, to recognize how current events will be seen in a historical context.  If you choose any significant historical event, it is really doubtful that the people who were living in that context could have understood the historical significance of what was happening.

I think that what is happening to the Jews all over the world today, will be recognized in the history books as the start of something big.  I'm not sure what exactly.  But there are many signs that the Jewish historical narrative has taken a turn in a different direction, and not in a positive way.

I will list a few of the troublesome signs I'm noticing.  When you put them together, you can see how Jewish history is changing today.  We are moving in a new direction, on a perilous path.

1.  Many of the countries that had been the least anti-Semitic in the past are now openly hostile to the Jews.  This is alarming.  There have been reports about anti-Jewish violence, boycotts, and rhetoric coming from Holland, Italy, Denmark, Canada, and even the United States.  These countries have been comparatively friendly towards Jews historically.  I see them becoming more like Eastern Europe.

2.  Leftism has won in America.  We have to be honest about that.  The wrong side is now dominant.  Evil is now called good, and good is now called evil.  When the one country in the world with an impeccable record of moral clarity now cannot tell the difference between right and wrong; and that country also happens to be the greatest power in the world today, we are in serious trouble.  There are no righteous superpowers in the world today besides America.  There is England which is morally confused on the one hand, and China, North Korea, and Russia which are morally evil.  America was the only superpower that was good and just.  Now it isn't anymore.

To be a little more positive, this can still change.  The Left's dominance in America does not have to be a fait-accomplis.

3.  This next one is speculation, I admit, but it sure seems this way:  There are more self-hating Jews now than ever before in our history.  These are not just the people who seek to be free from persecution and so betray their fellow Jews at every opportunity.  This category includes people who actually hate Jews, they hate Judaism, they hate Israel, they are anti-Semites, and the fact that they happen to be Jewish is besides the point to them.

The biggest problem of living in the exile was not persecution; it was adopting and being influenced by Gentile culture.  No group of people, no matter how insular, can exist in a foreign culture and be entirely free from that larger culture's influence.  It is impossible.  "Reform" Judaism is a perfect example of such an influence.  Exile Jews lost some of their Jewish characteristics, having been influenced by Gentile culture.  Unfortunately, anti-Semitism is also a cultural staple.  Jews have been influenced by that part of culture as well.  As bad as it may be for a Jew to be influenced by a culture to not keep kosher, (for instance), it is much worse for a Jew to be influenced to hate Jews.  This has happened.  Just look at the Jews marching for Hamas.  Look at people such as Noam Chomsky.  This could only happen in the exile.

4.  Lies are accepted as truth.  Moral equivalency is the norm.  This is also attributable to Leftism.  When arabs are equated with German Jews of the 1930s and the Jews are equated with the Nazis, we have to admit that the world has taken a turn for the crazy.  What I have heard people say, (not just ignorant commoners, but world leaders) is disturbing.  When it is taken as a given that our movement is comprised of racists and fascists, when all we want is Jewish survival, I wonder about the future of the Jews.  The most disturbing aspect of this phenomenon is how Jews themselves are taken in by such lies.

So what do these developments point to?  Are these signs of a change in Jewish history?  In 100 years from now, will these developments be studied in classrooms as the beginning of the end for world Jewry?  Or will they be studied as the beginning of the Messianic age?  Are we approaching the end of history, a change in history, or no significant change in history?

Let me add one more thing:  There is no natural or Divine law that suggests that history is prescripted.  I write this thread as an appeal to you to change the path we are on, not because I want you to resign yourselves to history making as an external reality.

Offline Raulmarrio2000

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Re: Can you grasp the significance of all of this?
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2009, 07:55:17 PM »
Zachor, if you speak about the last years or even months, then you are right. Anti-Semitism has risen a lot. That could be easy forseeable decades ago. Anti-Semitism suffered a great strike and lost credibility after WWII, but it remained fully alive under the mask of "antizionism". It's obvious that you can't control hate by laws or social preasure and sooner or later Jew-haters would quit their mask and be openly anti-Semite as they have always been.
But I have noticed something strange during these last days. Even with a big war in Gazah, having the enemies a chance to criticise Israel with fewer risks of being called anti-Semites, the press is much less anti-Israel than it has always been. Just remember years ago, when Israelis stayed quiet while Arabs were doing sucide bombing and yet world press and the UN blamed Israel, defended the "oppressed Palestinians", and justified the slaughter of israelis in buses, cafes and everywhere.
Now, things have changed. There is much more moderation in anti-Israeli criticism. But why is it? What does it mean? It may be good for Israel but it also shows a very frightening situation. The US is in crisis, Muslim terrorism has increased dramatically and, for the first time the Islamic Jihad is threating not only security but also the survival of Western civilzation. Western satandard of life has increased enourmeously in a short time due to technology, but economy has sunk. The West may be realising that they may not be able to afford both keeping their comfort and defending themselves from Islam. They may be seeing that they have a very narrow margin of action and that they cannot afford harming Israel, even if they have some biass against Jews. Jews are only 1 in 500 in world population. In times of prosperity it was a negligible lost to reject them but now with the new situation even a samall people who stands for civilization counts. They can't afford throwing away the help of 13 million people who , in case of danger, would faithfully side with civilization. It just shows how far the Islamic threat has gone

Offline briann

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Re: Can you grasp the significance of all of this?
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2009, 08:06:39 PM »
This is all part of the master plan of the midget of Iran.

He is NOT DUMB!!!  He has been supplying the weapons of Hamas and Hezbolah and he has kept this war going at full force..  He is a genious at propoganda... and he is sitting on his throne LAUGHING at what he has created.

Offline Xoce

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Re: Can you grasp the significance of all of this?
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2009, 02:04:42 AM »
I think that there are a lot more very staunch pro-Israel pro-Jewish non-Jews out there today.  Whether or not they are vocal/spend their time protesting is a different matter.  I think many non-Jews were taught about the Holocaust in elementary school and have very deep pro-Jewish sentiments that when 'push comes to shove' will be revealed.

(This may be wishful thinking)

I also think that people may be getting fed up with all the barbarians and their vicious violent Antisemitism in the forms of protests in their countries or outright bloody murders left and right.

(Which also may be wishful thinking)
aka Someone Else