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300 Is A Great Film

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--- Quote from: Din Rodef on March 28, 2007, 04:20:19 AM ---
--- Quote from: dawntreader on March 27, 2007, 10:27:57 PM ---G-d Himself holds no such prejudice.

--- End quote ---

Then why doesn't Hashem give Israel to the blacks?

or the Arabs?

or the Chinese?

or the Mexicans?

--- End quote ---

You didn't read what I posted before I said that. G-d chose us to be an example to the rest of the world. He gave us Israel as our portion, our part in this world. As I said above, we were the least of all men. Egypt was already a mighty empire when Avraham avinu came through. But G-d still chose Avraham and the Isaac and then Yacov, NOT because we were great...but because we were not. In this way HaShem is able to show His glory and power to the rest of the world, to the rest of all mankind.


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