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The population of Britain


Fruit of thy loins:

What they don't want you to know: Britain's net immigration rate between 2004 and 2006 was 1.4 million

Britain is 'slightly smaller than Oregon' and is projected to see an increase in its current already far-too-large population of 60 million to 72 million by the end of the first half of this century.  The entire socialist welfare system is going to collapse and the roads and the country's infrastructure will be unable to cope with such a monstrous population.

The white population is declining by more than 100,000 per year and all of the growth in population will be made up of immigrants.

And yet stupid people only care about insalubrious tidbits in their papers.  This is why they are correct who say, 'G-d has cursed Britain.'

I quite agree, but the sooner it crumbles the better IMO. The British need to be shocked into action.

Fruit of thy loins:
The BNP have done another great write-up.

BNP warnings about the dangers of mass migration into Britain have been backed by a leading Oxford academic. Professor David Coleman an internationally-respected expert in demography, told a Conservative think tank group that migration is leading to "quite radical ethnic changes".

The group also heard a warning from the British Chambers of Commerce that young British workers are being "displaced" in the job market by migrants, including eastern Europeans.

I find it surprising that the white elites are relegating their own to a hopeless future for the sake of short-term gains.  That makes me suspect that a quite radical change is on the horizon and the elites are boosting their bank balance to prepare for a long economic winter.  Either that or this really is just the unstoppable march of globalization.  I'd love to hear more people talk about things like this but I honestly believe that white Brits are resigned to their fate. 

I do however believe that young immigrant workers perform much better than young British people.  That just can't be denied.  Most lager-louts and trouble-makers are the children of people who live here.  That tells me that there's something wrong with British culture.  Why would immigrants want to integrate into such a culture and see their children turn out that way?


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