The body of a human being has a special status. Even a hung goy must be buried immediately, as it is a disrespect to Hashem's
tzelem Elokim.
The body of a Jew has a higher status - it can be in a state of taharah or tumah (a gentile body cannot be in either state).
The bodies of the Rambam, Ramchal etc did not decompose.
"I will avenge the blood of My servants which I have not yet avenged"
Meanwhile, Nosair is enjoying life: good food, good company, good gym, prays from the Koran daily, he may even be released one day....
while Meir Kahane's body lies in silent repose awaiting the Resurrection. His neshomoh however is in the front rank of Gan Eden together with all the other Jewish heroes who fell whilst fighting the the goyim: Shaul Hamelech, Shimshon Hagibbor, Yoshiayhu Hamelech, the Maccabees, Boruch Goldstein Hakodosh etc etc