Someone just sent this to me....I wanted to share, I have not even checked out the link yet...... 
Obama gesture to radical Muslims
Jim Bramlett
Jan 18, 2009
Dear friends:
What I feared has come upon me; what I dreaded has happened to me
(Job 3:25, NIV).
Barack Hussein Obamas (Barry Soetoros) Muslim roots have been a
concern of any thinking person, fearing he may exhibit any sympathy
for radical Muslim terrorists, or lack of the complete revulsion these
cold-blooded murderers deserve.
Well, Job was right. It has already come upon us. Terrorist
sympathizer Ingrid Mattson, president of the Islamic Society of North
America, has been invited to address Obamas inaugural prayer service
Wednesday. She heads an Islamic group named by federal prosecutors as
a co-conspirator in a terrorism-fundraising trial in Texas. See
article at can see her organization named as part of the jihad terrorist
network in America in the video, Jihad in Academia, produced by the
David Horowitz Freedom Center.
It is an abomination for such a person and organization to be invited
to participate in the inauguration of the President of the United
States, especially during the war on terror where so many have died,
and where she represents the enemy.
The lady should be arrested, or at least shunned.
Obama is not even inaugurated yet and we are seeing a blatant,
friendly overture to the radical Muslims.
G-d help us. This may only be the beginning.