Author Topic: Geert wilders to be prosecuted by Dutch Judge  (Read 1265 times)

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Geert wilders to be prosecuted by Dutch Judge
« on: January 21, 2009, 09:12:21 AM »
 :o >:( >:( >:( >:(                 


Dutch MP to be prosecuted over anti-Islam comments

Amsterdam appellate court says right-wing MP Geert Wilders who directed film accusing Koran of inciting violence must stand trial. 'This is a very black day for freedom of speech,' he says

Published:    01.21.09, 15:16 / Israel News

Right-wing Dutch MP Geert Wilders, who has made a short film accusing the Koran of inciting violence, must be prosecuted for anti-Islam comments, an Amsterdam court said on Wednesday.


The court overruled the public prosecutor who had declined to prosecute Wilders, whose film "Fitna" urged Muslims to tear out "hate-filled" verses from the Koran.

Free Speech
'There is no such thing as moderate Islam'  / Nir Magal
(Video) Leader of Netherlands' Freedom Party and creator of controversial 'anti-Koran' film visits Israel, warn against perils of 'book preaching hate and violence.' 'I don't hate Muslims,' he says. 'I'm talking about the ideology'
Full story

"The Amsterdam appeals court has ordered the prosecution of member of parliament Geert Wilders for inciting hatred and discrimination, based on comments by him in various media on Muslims and their beliefs," the court said in a statement.


"The court also considers appropriate criminal prosecution for insulting Muslim worshippers because of comparisons between Islam and Nazism made by Wilders," the statement said.


"Fitna", a Koranic term sometimes translated as "strife", intersperses shots of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and other bombings with quotations from the Koran. "This is a very black day for me and for freedom of speech. I am shaken. I had absolutely not expected it," Dutch news agency ANP quoted Wilders as saying in an initial reaction.          ,7340,L-3659845,00.html
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Offline Ben Yehuda

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Re: Geert wilders to be prosecuted by Dutch Judge
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2009, 09:35:46 AM »
What is the judge's name? His email? His address? His childrens' names?

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Re: Geert wilders to be prosecuted by Dutch Judge
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2009, 10:23:18 AM »
SICKENING!!!!!!!!!!!!   Judges are scum in every country.

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Re: Geert wilders to be prosecuted by Dutch Judge
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2009, 10:45:38 AM »
This is disgusting. I hope there are massive protests in Amsterdam..

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Re: Geert wilders to be prosecuted by Dutch Judge
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2009, 11:40:15 AM »
Fat chance. I can promise you that 99% of the depraved Dutch people support this prosecution. This is the nation that has legalized drugs and sex with twelve-year-olds and has animal brothels, after all.

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Re: Geert wilders to be prosecuted by Dutch Judge
« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2009, 11:54:45 AM »
After the Dutch habe been enjoying the cultural enrichment by certain people for several years, many of them are certainly sick of restricting basic freedoms.

However I'm afraid most of them don't want protest against this insanity.

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Re: Geert wilders to be prosecuted by Dutch Judge
« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2009, 12:58:50 PM »
"The court also considers appropriate criminal prosecution for insulting Muslim worshippers because of comparisons between Islam and Nazism made by Wilders," the statement said.

This is no insult, it is the truth.

Muslims loved Nazis and Nazis loved Muslims. The history proofs it. They have the same goal in the first line and this is to murder Jews.

This trial is a shame.
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Re: Geert wilders to be prosecuted by Dutch Judge
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2009, 01:20:36 PM »
He said it will bankrupt his party because it doesn't accept govt money 

Very good article with link

Wilders' Freedom Party issued a statement today, noted Jihad Watch, saying it is "shocked" by the court's decision, which "jeopardizes the very existence" of the party, because it cannot afford the "enormous" legal expenses. The party noted it is the only party in the Dutch Parliament that does not accept government funding.
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Re: Geert wilders to be prosecuted by Dutch Judge
« Reply #8 on: January 21, 2009, 01:31:43 PM »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Re: Geert wilders to be prosecuted by Dutch Judge
« Reply #9 on: January 21, 2009, 01:32:44 PM »
More on this Gerard Spong               

I think Gerard might be a pervert

The Dutch politician Geert Wilders has told De Telegraaf, the largest newspaper in the Netherlands that he has postponed the release of his “anti-Koran movie” until next March.
Two months ago, Wilders announced that he planned to release a 10-minute film about the Koran in January. Wilders says the Koran must be banned in the Netherlands because it is as intolerant and dangerous as Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf. This week a number of Dutch media openly wondered whether Wilders really was making a film or whether his announcement had been simply a PR stunt.
To counter these rumours, Wilders sent the opening shot of the film to De Telegraaf. It shows a Koran accompanied by the text: “Waarschuwing: dit boek bevat schokkende beelden” (Warning: this book contains disturbing images), followed by a beheading in Iraq, a stoning in Iran and an execution in Saudi-Arabia. Wilders bought his Koran recently in East Jerusalem.
“The film is not just about the Koran but happens inside the Koran ,” Wilders told De Telegraaf. “The edges of the book remain visible all the time. Inside these edges we will show images of what the Koran verses prescribe. Those who are shocked at these things should not get angry with me but with the people who perpetrated these things.”
Wilders said he had underestimated the amount of work involved in making the film. “It is so much work. We will still be busy for a couple of weeks.” He hopes the film will be ready in early March.
If the film merely shows what the Koran verses say, however horrible these things may be to Western eyes, it will hardly be “provocative” to radical Muslims. Wilders announced earlier that he intends to rip the Koran to pieces, but if he does not literally do so, or break other Muslim prohibitions such as depicting the Prophet Muhammed, writing Koranic verses on naked bodies or showing pigs, few Muslims will be insulted. In other words: as long as Wilders’ film only shocks Westerners and Westernized (secular) Muslims with disturbing images, but not Koran-abiding Muslims with what they consider to be blasphemous, the movie is unlikely to lead to indignation among Muslims extremists.


Comparing the Koran to Mein Kampf may shock the Dutch, but it will harldy shock al-Qa’eda or the Salafists. On the contrary, they might even consider it a compliment.
Meanwhile. Wilders has received the public support of the small Dutch fundamentalist Calvinist party SGP. Cees Van der Staaij, the SGP leader, wants Maxime Verhagen, the Dutch Foreign Minister, to tell Islamic countries they are hypocrites if they complain about religious insults in the Netherlands.
“If you see what is spewed out daily via various Arabic broadcasters over the world in hatred against the Jews, Israel, the US and the West, the criticism of Wilders' yet-to-be-shown mini-film is pure hypocrisy,” Van der Staaij said yesterday during an exchange in the Dutch Lower House. Deputy Foreign Minister Frans Timmermans, who replied for Minister Verhaegen, acknowledged that Van der Staaij has a point. Verhaegen, who is currently touring Muslim countries to explain the Dutch position, told the press in Syria that the Dutch government does not agree with Wilders’ view on Islam. “We are a country where Muslims and Christians can live together in harmony,” Verhaegen said. Last week, the Grand Mufti of Syria threatened the Netherlands if Wilders were to insult Islam.
The Dutch government, however, defends Wilders’ freedom of speech. Yesterday, Ernst Hirsch Ballin, the Dutch Minister of Justice, informed his EU colleagues that The Hague would not prohibit Wilders from making his film. Hirsch Ballin told the Dutch media that the EU did not discuss taking common measures in the event that the film should lead to Muslim violence.
The Dutch Muslim Council has called Wilders a “racist, fascist and authoritarian” and a threat to Dutch society. Several Dutch Muslim and leftist organizations and individuals have lodged more than 40 complaints against Wilders for incitement to racial hatred. Gerard Spong, one of the leading (and most expensive) lawyers in the country, has offered to defend their cases free of charge. Spong was a friend of the late Pim Fortuyn. Following the murder of Fortuyn in 2002 he lodged complaints against several Dutch politicians for having contributed to the hate campaign against Fortuyn which resulted in his assassination by a political adversary.
Spong, who is also the lawyer of a Dutch teenager indicted on murder charges in the case of Natalee Holloway, an American teenager who disappeared in Arubu in May 2005, told Dutch television that “Wilders cannot be compared to Fortuyn because Wilders incites hatred against Muslims, which Fortuyn who had sex with Moroccan boys in dark rooms, did not do. […] When Wilders says that half the Koran has to be ripped to pieces and burned, he is inciting hatred.” According to Spong the Dutch public prosecutor is a coward who is afraid to prosecute Wilders because the latter will claim that it is a political prosecution.
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Re: Geert wilders to be prosecuted by Dutch Judge
« Reply #11 on: January 21, 2009, 02:45:19 PM »
"The court also considers appropriate criminal prosecution for insulting Muslim worshippers because of comparisons between Islam and Nazism made by Wilders," the statement said.

This is no insult, it is the truth.

Muslims loved Nazis and Nazis loved Muslims. The history proofs it. They have the same goal in the first line and this is to murder Jews.

This trial is a shame.

Not all the Muslims were quranimals. Honestly, I respect Salah ad-Din (Saladin) very much.

But the present-day euromuslims and "palestinian freedom fighters" are indeed Nazis.

Here's one example:

Mohammad Amin al-Husayni (Arabic: محمد أمين الحسيني‎, properly transliterated al-Husseini, 1895/1897 - July 4, 1974), a member of the al-Husayni clan of Jerusalem, was a Palestinian Arab nationalist and Muslim leader in the British Mandate of Palestine. From 1921 to 1948, he was the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, and played a key role in opposition to Zionism.
Back in the summer of 1940 and again in February 1941, al-Hussayni submitted to the German government a draft declaration of German-Arab cooperation, containing a clause:
Germany and Italy recognize the right of the Arab countries to solve the question of the Jewish elements, which exist in Palestine and in the other Arab countries, as required by the national and ethnic (völkisch) interests of the Arabs, and as the Jewish question was solved in Germany and Italy.
Germans supported such valuable ally:
November 2, 1943 Himmler's telegram to Mufti: 'To the Grand Mufti: The National Socialist movement of Greater Germany has, since its inception, inscribed upon its flag the fight against the world Jewry. It has therefore followed with particular sympathy the struggle of freedom-loving Arabs, especially in Palestine, against Jewish interlopers. In the recognition of this enemy and of the common struggle against it lies the firm foundation of the natural alliance that exists between the National Socialist Greater Germany and the freedom-loving Muslims of the whole world. In this spirit I am sending you on the anniversary of the infamous Balfour declaration my hearty greetings and wishes for the successful pursuit of your struggle until the final victory.' Reichsfuehrer S.S. Heinrich Himmler
In his memoirs after the war, Husayni noted that
"Our fundamental condition for cooperating with Germany was a free hand to eradicate every last Jew from Palestine and the Arab world.  I asked Hitler for an explicit undertaking to allow us to solve the Jewish problem in a manner befitting our national and racial aspirations and according to the scientific methods innovated by Germany in the handling of its Jews."
On the 25 July, 1944, he wrote to the Hungarian foreign minister to register his objection to the release of certificates for 900 Jewish children and 100 adults for transfer from Hungary, fearing they might end up in Palestine. He suggested that if such transfers of population were deemed necessary, then:
"it would be indispensable and infinitely preferable to send them to other countries where they would find themselves under active control, as for example Poland, thus avoiding danger and preventing damage."
("Acive control in Poland" means Auschwitz, Maidanek, etc.)

On March 1, 1944, while speaking on Radio Berlin, al-Husayni said:
"Arabs, rise as one man and fight for your sacred rights. Kill the Jews wherever you find them. This pleases God, history, and religion. This saves your honor. G-d is with you."

Citations from

Pay attention that al-Husseni is not a radical extremist, he's grand Mufti of Jerusalem, i.e. quite high Muslim authority
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Re: Geert wilders to be prosecuted by Dutch Judge
« Reply #12 on: January 21, 2009, 02:56:27 PM »

Offline mord

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Re: Geert wilders to be prosecuted by Dutch Judge
« Reply #13 on: January 21, 2009, 04:26:51 PM »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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