Time to join the NRA I think.
What part of respecting this country's Constitution don't the damnable brain-dead liberals understand!?

The Second Amendment is there for a very serious reason, it's not about self defense of the individual or hunting (though, those are definitely benefits) the founding fathers of this great country, in their great wisdom, drafted the Second Amendment to give Americans the ability to liberate their own country from tyranny, to protect the country from enemies, both foreign and domestic. It is not in the oath for citizenship because it sounds pretty.
The founding fathers drafted our Constitution after barely surviving a war with the then tyrannical British, they knew that tyranny could return, and the only way to ensure that the citizens of America could hold on to they're freedom, was to empower them, with firearms, real firearms, not hunting rifles, not handguns, weapons of war. Today, that would be assault rifles.
I think this is the source of the liberals objection to assault rifles, it's not about crime, it's about their power, it's a hell of a lot harder to set up a Socialist neo-Communist state in complete violation of the Constitution of the United States of America, with a bunch of pissed off righteous highly armed Americans out there.