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I Need Everyone's Help With Some Moonbat Commenters On My Blog
I have been posting extensively about the Sean Bell case on my blog. And it go without saying that I have strongly defended those police officers for their actions outside that strip club in Jamaica Queens that night.
Anyway, the moonbats have taken offense to one of my posts, and I have been responding to them. But I think you all might want to join in as well. Let's be firm, but polite. I blog as "Zelda." Here's the link:
Thanks guys!
Fruit of thy loins:
Has anyone done so yet? I know nothing of the case and the discussions there are lengthy. I always have support for the police in their dealings with apes. I put aside my own personal quarrels with the police when it comes to important things like keeping apes off the streets.
Fruit of thy loins:
Someone says on your blog, 'Fact: 3 of the 5 police have been indicted - all three undercover detectives — two black men and a white man'
Why should we care if black cops are shooting black criminals?
I hope all [censored] shoot each other.
I wonder if there were any blondes gyrating on the long black poles in the strip club.
That was my blog friend Joe (a Marine). The reason he brought it up was because another commenter compared the NYC police to the KKK. So I asked that woman if a black officer can also be considered KKK if he goes off the liberal plantation.
Basically they want to make it appear as if racist white policemen just shot these unarmed black men for no reason. But the fact is, that Sean Bell rammed his vehicle into a police van twice. Then one of the cops jumped on top of Bell's car, flashed his badge and asked them to come out. They did not listen, and they believed the people in the car were armed, so the police shot them.
The media goes on and on about he he was killed the day of his wedding. Well the fact is, Bell had already sired two illegitimate children with this girlfriend (who has now decided to take his last name), and chose to go to a strip club which was under police investigation for drug dealing and prostitution. Furthermore, all three of the men in the car had prior criminal records.
So as I see it, these idiots used deadly force against police officers, and it was returned in kind.
Fruit, what personal quarrels do you have against the police?
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