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Michael Weiner: The Weiner Nation

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Of all the national conservative talkshows, I think
Michael Savage would most likely have Chaim on.
Of course, it's a very slim chance.
I'm wondering if we can get him to mention Chaim Ben Pesach /
Victor Vancier by provoking him everywhere we can.
We can perhaps go around putting Michael Savage and Chaim
in the same sentence.
So in message boards, chat rooms, and if you have a website.
On his Weiner Nation show if possible at all.


--- Quote from: angryChineseManiac on March 16, 2007, 01:22:49 PM ---Of all the national conservative talkshows, I think
Michael Savage would most likely have Chaim on.
Of course, it's a very slim chance.__________________________
I'm wondering if we can get him to mention Chaim Ben Pesach /
Victor Vancier by provoking him everywhere we can.
We can perhaps go around putting Michael Savage and Chaim
in the same sentence.
So in message boards, chat rooms, and if you have a website.
On his Weiner Nation show if possible at all.

--- End quote ---

I think that's a very good idea!

Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
Michael Faggot certainly eats a lot of wieners!  ;D :D


--- Quote from: Chaimfan on March 17, 2007, 02:19:07 AM ---Michael Faggot certainly eats a lot of wieners!  ;D :D

--- End quote ---

He sure had some lonely nights collecting plants on the Fiji Islands.

Din Rodef:
I think you're right

I bet Savage would put Chaim on...but not yet...the events aren't right yet


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