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Offline Masha

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Constitutional Radio on Obama
« on: January 31, 2009, 06:35:47 PM »
Listen to the blog radio program called Constitutional Radio. It's on this website listed under the date of January 28.

They have very useful info about Obama citizenship issues. They also talk about the strategies of resistance and future prospects of civil disobedience (our Constitutionally guaranteed right).

Can one protest by engaging in barter economy? You can't tax exchanged services as long as no money has changed hands.

The way the government is spending money - nearly a trillion dollars for bailing out the financial institutions and nearly a trillion dollars for the economy "stimulus" (a.k.a. pork barrel) package - is like it's going out of style. Or maybe out of circulation? Sure makes one suspect that these stories about the Amero might be true.

Offline Masha

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Re: Constitutional Radio on Obama
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2009, 04:21:17 AM »
A new installment of the constitutional radio - click on th "constitutional radio" episode.

This is very important. It has an excellent discussion of the natural citizen issue. They explain in legal terms why it doesn't matter whether Osama was born in the US.

They are also discussing as a possible redress the idea of the People's Jury. Leo Donofrio explains on his site why the people's jury is constitutional:

This miraculous quote says it all, “…the whole theory of its function is that it belongs to no branch of the institutional Government, serving as a kind of buffer or referee between the Government and the people.” The Constitution of the United States, as interpreted by the Supreme Court, gives rise to a FOURTH BRANCH of Government, THE GRAND JURY. We the people have been charged with oversight of the government in our roles as grand jurors.

And at this critical time in American history, we must, for the protection of our constitutional republic, take back our power and start acting as powerful as the other branches of government.

The law is on our side. So please spread this knowledge as far and wide as you can. We the people have the right and power under the 5th Amendment of the Constitution to charge this government with crimes by returning presentments regardless of whether the US Attorneys or the federal judges agree with us. As the Supreme Court has so brilliantly stated, we are the “buffer between the Government and the people.”

Take the reins America. Pass it on. The Fourth Branch is alive and kickin’.

He also tells in another post how he was followed by the government goons when he filed his case. This is scary!  :o >:(

Offline IsraelForever

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Re: Constitutional Radio on Obama
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2009, 04:27:09 AM »
Quote from: Masha
Can one protest by engaging in barter economy? You can't tax exchanged services as long as no money has changed hands.
I'm not sure if this is true.  "There are no tax advantages to barter. The IRS treats a barter transaction exactly as a cash transaction. All barter exchanges report transactions to the IRS and prepare a 1099-B form for each member of the exchange. In addition, you have the responsibility of issuing a 1099-B form for any direct trades in which you participate."


Offline Masha

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Re: Constitutional Radio on Obama
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2009, 04:47:27 AM »
Quote from: Masha
Can one protest by engaging in barter economy? You can't tax exchanged services as long as no money has changed hands.
I'm not sure if this is true.  "There are no tax advantages to barter. The IRS treats a barter transaction exactly as a cash transaction. All barter exchanges report transactions to the IRS and prepare a 1099-B form for each member of the exchange. In addition, you have the responsibility of issuing a 1099-B form for any direct trades in which you participate."


This is very interesting. ...and odd... and seemingly unfair...  >:(  So, if I tell you that I'll scratch your back, and you, in return, will shampoo my hair, we are by law obligated to report our transaction to the IRS? And pay tax on it? Even though no money has changed hands?????? So two citizens are not allowed to exchange favors? Could this even be constitutional? Another question is: could this even be traced? Especially when we are talking about the barter of services rather than heavy machinery and equipment.

Offline IsraelForever

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Re: Constitutional Radio on Obama
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2009, 05:10:10 AM »
I believe that what I quoted referred to companies that are set up to do bartering.  But the government certainly couldn't tax single individuals who do favors for one another, certainly not the kind of favors you've mentioned.  And, like you point out, how can they tax, say, you and I, when they have no idea what favors we're doing one another?  But suppose you have a taxi company, and you give free taxi rides home to lawyers at a law firm, and you don't charge them to take them home every night, and instead, that law firm does free legal service for another firm you own, then that's different.  (And, quite frankly, I'm not even sure if this example is good.)  But I do know that I read about bartering a few years ago and read that taxation comes into play.  That's why I looked it up and posted what I did.  (By the way, I'm totally on your side.  I don't think bartering should be taxed.) 

Offline IsraelForever

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Re: Constitutional Radio on Obama
« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2009, 05:44:52 AM »
Also, and this may or may not have anything to do with bartering, but Tom Daschle just withdrew his nomination because of tax problems that he had.  And one of his problems was that he did not report "a car and driver loaned to him by a friend and business associate as income."  By law, he couldn't simply get a car and driver for nothing.  There was a value to that, and that value had to have been reported as income, and he was supposed to pay taxes on it. 

So, in a like manner, if people barter with one another, whatever service they get for free, has a value (according to the government), and taxes need to be paid on that value.

I'm  willing to be corrected on this.  So if I'm misinterpreting what I've been reading, then please correct this and I'll stand corrected.  Thank you in advance.  I'm not a tax expert, so maybe I'm flubbing the whole thing.  Sorry if I am.

Offline Masha

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Re: Constitutional Radio on Obama
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2009, 12:45:45 PM »
Thank you for your explanation. I am getting educated. This is all very interesting, I had no idea. I still don't like this. Basically, the government wants a piece of action no matter what. And what I find repellent is that it forces people to monetarize and commodify their relationships. So if one person does a favor to another, it is assumed m´by definition that this favor must have a monetary value, and the other person had charge for his favor because he will be taxed on it whether he was payed or not. Frankly, this stinks.

I still see a concealed barter of services without a paper trail as a way to undermine an unrighteous governmen. Somehow, we must try to subvert the Federal Reserve with its worthless dollars that are being foisted upon us by switching to barter and gold.