Author Topic: 5 videos from 4International are now uploaded on flix, baruch Hashem  (Read 525 times)

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Online Chaim Ben Pesach

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There will be a stupid 15 second commercial before each video. After the commercial, you should be able to see the videos, G-d willing.

Warning: These videos have very graphic scenes of what happened to the victims of Islamic Nazi terror.

Here are the 5 great videos of the brilliant and very talented 4International:

1. Albanian & Bosnian Muslim Nazis and their link to 9/11 & Arab Muslim Nazi terror

2. The PLO/Fatah & Hamas Arab movement is based upon German Nazism & Hitler's "Final Solution"

3. The PLO/Fatah & Hamas Arabs teach their children to become suicide bombers and mass murder Jews!

4. Joe Biden's admiration of Albanian Muslim Nazi mass murderers in Kosovo exposed

5. Islam: Cult of Death