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Anglo-Saxon culture

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Fruit of thy loins:

It was disgustingly immodest. I don't think it represents anglo-saxon culture. You are just highlighting the worst bits, anglos do work hard. I mean look at england, its something. England once colonized half the land and the Queen owns the most amount of land in the world. They got us somewhere. TODAYS anglo culture is just seeking the deteriation and collapse of Britian and the rise of communism and mulitculturalism. It sucks.


--- Quote from: Fruit of thy loins on March 17, 2007, 06:26:11 PM ---

--- End quote ---

That W_gger ape likes monkeys so much perhaps he should be locked with some.
He looks like his fingers have been amputated.
Maybe someone can cut off his middle two fingers, that way it'll always look that way.

Fruit of thy loins:
What's left of Anglo-Saxon culture?  Not much.  Young people go crazy for this kind of 'music'.  Musical tastes tend to stick with a person for long periods of time and reflect upon a person's personality.

Fruit of thy loins:
Allen T has a lot of experience with vintage music.  Maybe he could say whether there are any redeeming qualities to rap and hip hop.  The one thing I can think that's good about that kind of music is that it makes white girls very horny and want to dance with you.  For some reason white women like the sound of black men singing, they like black men's voices (and sometimes their bodies too - anyway).


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