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Affirmative Action list!
--- Quote from: Mishmaat on December 18, 2008, 01:04:40 AM ---
--- Quote from: shamanreidf on December 15, 2008, 08:57:05 AM ---I do not appreciate the false, malicious, illegal, slanderous, racist, and hateful statements contained herein about myself, Professor Reid Friedson, Black people, and Obama. I am proud to be a Jew but not proud of the horrific and hateful ignorance I see here by Jews whose ancestors have been persecuted for thousands of years. You should be ashamed of yourselves. Go read some Rabbi Hillel. There were many Africans who went with Moses to Zion and there are still many Blacks in Ethiopia where the Ark is still said to be protected. It would be wise to remember there are still many descendants of King David in Africa, Jamaica, and America. Hate is a destructive waste of time. Go listen to some Bob Marley music and maybe you will learn who you really are. Next time you have something hateful to say about me, post your true address and we'll take it from there.
Professor Reid Friedson
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You can't be serious. Perhaps in a college setting you could impress your less than brilliant students with such garbage, but certainly not here. You're wasting the time of countless impressionable young minds who have to be subject to your poisonous brew of misinformation. It's truly a tragedy that you have been giving tenure at any college.
--- End quote ---
I went to college with this self-hater. I saw first-hand what he was like as a student. He was basically expelled from AEPi for being a pervert. He would sexually harass females..always asking them out and refusing to take NO for an answer; in some cases asking them out with their boyfriends present; knowing that if any of them hit him, they'd be expelled from the school. He also tried to take over the school newspaper, in spite of the fact that he never worked there. He forned a clique of students that would brand anything they doidn't like to be "racist" and tried to spread that liberal poison via the student council.
How he ever got any teaching position is beyond me.
I wouldnt put musician in your list. cause they have nothing to do with music at all!
"Dr" Friedson has sent me a Personal Message...
New JTFer
Posts: 2
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« Sent to: ChaimBenMordechai on: Today at 07:24:36 PM » Quote Reply Remove
You have three [3] days to post a recission of the false and malicious statements you made in re to me or you will be served a federal summons to account for damages. From a proud Jew to a hater...
So tell us, "Dr." did it feel when Alpha Epsilon Pi EXPELLED you? You never answered. I know it felt great when you were booted. :::D That why you hung with the MUSLIM students on Student Government and tried to shut down AEPi? That also why you slandered Joe Butler? Shame Butler had self-control and didn't annihilate you.
How many girls did you hit on the first week of of each semester at FAU with your line of "Hi, I'm Reid Friedson...wanna go out with me?" My wife was one. You have no idea how much it took for me to not punch you out back then in '89. I also remember one guy who threatened you outside of one of youir classrooms...seems you hit on his GF in the Rat while he was sitting there and you then gave her a tongue-waggle. You yelled at him not to threaten you. He said he wasn't threatening you..he was PROMISING you...then you went crying to Dean Ijams like the little coward you were.
Oh..looks like you never became editor of The Atlantic Sun, either :laugh: Neither did your pals Ben and Audrey (she was another self-hating Jew just like YOU)
BTW, Friedson...I will bet these are YOUR students who are DESTROYING Boca...,0,1676706.story
דוד בן זאב אריה:
I got a list for you
President Obama
Sec of State Colin Powell, Congolezza Rice
Come on help me out
Thanks for more hateful, lying slander. You should be careful what you put in writing that is not true. Tell me you and your wife's name and I'll be happy to send you a summons and deal with it in court.
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