Shalom Hindu Zionist,
Namaste yaar.. Aap Kaise Hein? Hindustan Zindabad! Hebrewstan Zindabad! Meri hindi kucch khaas nahi hai.. Bharat ek adbhut desh hai. Mein kabhi Bharat jaana chahoonga. Mein Yehudi Amerikan hoon.
Sorry, I don't speak much hindi. I know a bit and have some indian friends. Its great to see you here. I love India and its culture. What are your feelings about Christians in India? I do have many Christian friends, do you live at peace with them? I love Indians, don't get offended, but how come so many INdians are blinded and vote for the Jew hating, communist INC party who has kept India weak and struggling? Do you predict BJP will one day rise to power? What is your true feelings about the safety of Jews traveling around India? I know you have 150,000,000+ Musolims, who all swear loyalty to Pakistan. Also, many muslims in India rule your bollywood films. What is your feeling about Bollywood and the message it sends to your people? There are many quesitons I like to ask you yaar.. I have made friends with a Hindu Telugu man where I live and he wants me to come stay with him in his village in Andhra Pradesh. I sat and watched his videos from his village of the Holi festival, it was very exciting! What are your feelings about a Jewish man like myself travelling to India? Is it safe, will I be well received? Will I face hatred from communists, Maoists, liberals and of course, Muslims? What are best places to visit and best places to avoid? Where can I experience the most of traditional Indian culture?
Shalom and Namaste!
your hindi is better than mine

let me tell you that you are not the only yehuddi who like India, i have come across many. At the same time there are many hindu nationalists who are crazy about Israel. When israel bombs the gaza strip, there are hindus here feeling proud.. believe me! Here is a news article you would find surprising
Asked what he did at the camp, an activist whispers, ``I am from the secret service of Bajrang Dal. Israel's Mossad is my inspiration. I can't tell you more.''Imagine a small indian town where the youths take inspiration from acts of israel's mossad!
I have indian christian friends, we only have problems with them 1) if they involve in proselytizing or 2) Collaborate with Muslims and Socialist government. Remember that majority of Indian Christians keep Mrs. Sonia Gandhi in high regards, the same Sonia Gandhi who's party continues to be in alliance with Muslims party's who's leaders have gone of record claiming "its the right of every muslim to wage jihad against Jews" and "announced prize money for beheading G.W. Bush". Note that Sonia Gandhi was daughter of a person who was part of the Italian Fascist movement during Second world war, also her husband was involved with the KGB. I'm trying to tell you that these people are not just anti-Hindus, but anti-semities too. Would the Jews and Christians around the western world like it if we Hindus make friends with such people? On a personal note, Indian christians are very different to Christians of the western world. Since majority of Christians in India come from the Hindu deprived classes.. they have got a different culture... like the Black Churches in the West. yes it sounds crazy. I have had long debates on this forum with Rubystars.. and even now she agrees that Christianity in India is hard to understand..and their political stand is all messed up and hard to comprehend for the West.
About INC,BJP: THe BJP behaved like a phoney right when it was in power. They claimed to support the rebuilding of Ram Temple, but failed to take any initiative while in power. When BJP came to power in 1998 they gave india nuclear power, and went on a war with Pak... but in 2004 while their tenure was ending.. they started the peace-process with Pak. Also they failed to rehabilitate the Kashmiri Hindus back to Kashmir. People started lossing faith in them. So INC came to power in 2005. from 2007 to 2009 we were hit by global recession.. and all people cared for, was trying to accumulate wealth. Having no time to introspect about politics and government. With lack of political sence and media influence.. the people again voted for INC in 2009. However not all is lost, many Indian states are still under BJP rule, and in other places even under INC governments.. Hindu Nationalist organisations like RSS and VHP continue to provide deterence to radical Islam. It is hard for BJP to come to power, unless they really adopt the hard line Hindutva stand. Note that in recent years BJP have fielded Muslims candidates. So why would Hindu people see them as Hindu nationalist party?
I would suggest for Jews coming to India, to be careful with disclosing their identity. Indian Muslims wont be at ease with you. If you come across Hindu Nationalists, that is fine.. they would be obliged to help you out. moderate-Hindus would be ok with you, but they would only see you as another tourist. There are only a few communist/maoist ruled states in India, and are not very touristy kind of place.. so its hard to tell if you would come across them.
Bollywood is doing the same thing in India, what Hollywood is doing in USA. Degrading our cultures, and influencing our youths in a bad way. Islamic underworld mafia have a lot of control over bollywood, when it comes to financing.
The best places to visit are in Indian state of Rajasthan,Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. Goa, Kerala, Tamil Nadu are good tourist places but are not safe for Jews to visit. THere are some ancient synagoues in Kerala and Goa, but are high on the radar of terrorists,sadly. Israel embassy have advised Jews to be careful while visiting these places.. So better avoid them.