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Something very important that doesn't get mentioned enough
I agree. I want to create an internet eBook about this topic because it is a huge key to 9-11 that no one talks about.
You might find these videos interesting:
Look for the videos "The Conspiracy Against Kahane"
It sounds like they may have been let off for the murder because they were trained by CIA/FBI or some US service earlier for work in the middle east.
Fruit of thy loins:
--- Quote from: Jabo on March 19, 2007, 01:27:41 AM ---Mayor Giuliani has a lot of blame in this. He should have been focused on terrorism as early as Kahane's murder or at the very least after 1993. What Nosair did was unprecedented- A radical Muslim murdering an American Jew in cold blood. It should have sent clear warning signs to the authorities. But what did they care? Kahane was just another Jew to most of them.
--- End quote ---
I remember seeing on a Youtube video Kahane sitting alone in the Knesset, they boycotted him and he had to speak to himself.
Powerful people in this world rejected Kahane. That is the strongest proof of his righteousness.
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