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Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
OK, so you are saying that "tolerant" self-hating Jews are unwilling to flag anti-Semitic hatred on YT?

New Yorker:

Yeah pretty much. Self hating Jews are worse than our enemies, because they've turned on their own. At least with our enemies, our enemies are honest about hating us.

But honestly, we should organize and use this forum to flag the videos of our enemies on Youtube, when we find an offending video we should post the link here so we can all head out and flag that piece of sh*t. 


--- Quote from: NewYorker on March 20, 2007, 04:02:34 PM ---"Your friend's film is NOT good because he refers to "radical Islam" as if there is a "moderate Islam". "

That's your critique? You're [censored] on his good work, intentions and effort over that? You're needlessly splitting hairs and ignoring the big picture.

Use your head, you think we can afford to piss away allys over menucia? For f***s sakes, you're giving creedence to the stereotype of the "neurotic Jew" with that statement do you know that!?
We need as many people doing stuff like this as possible. And you are crapping on it? Are you under the impression that we can afford to throw away friends?

And let me give you a little background on my friend that made that video, he's not Jewish, he's not even American, he's an immigrant from New Zealand, ethnically he's Chinese, on top of all that,  he knows nothing about JTF, and on his own volition decided to vigorously side with America and Israel and make efforts to wake people up to the Islamic threat we all face.

He's making a series of these Youtube films on his own initiative, it's a great service. Oh and that film he made that's "NOT good" got 11,000 youtube hits. But nooo, it's worthless because he referenced them as "radical Islam".


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New Yorker, you think a film that conveys the impression that there is a "moderate" Islam is a good film? You can't understand that the stupid talk about "radical Islam" and "moderate Islam" is the MAIN problem in confronting this enemy? You call that "splitting hairs"?

As far as the stereotype of the "neurotic Jew" which you claim that I give credence to, isn't it a little strange calling ME a "neurotic Jew" (I am neither). I think YOU are the type of Jew who settles for anything in a film even if it's not true and even if it's harmful. YOU give credence to the stereotype of an unprincipled Jew who wants to "make a deal" and "compromise" and "be practical" even if that means sacrificing truth and justice. If Jews and righteous Gentiles stubbornly remain loyal to the truth and to their principles, that's "neurotic"?


If the person who made the film was sincere but misinformed, he will never get the real truth from you because you're afraid that telling the truth is neurotic and splitting hairs.


--- Quote from: חטיבת גולני on March 19, 2007, 06:51:24 PM ---
--- Quote from: ftf on March 19, 2007, 06:10:45 PM ---Can someone get it unflagged please. I do not want to lie about my age.

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It would be for a good cause.

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The ends never justify the means. Encouraging a kid to lie about their age is a sin against G-d. Don't eat non-Kosher food, but encourage someone to lie. Man that sounds both hypocritical as well as sinful. You might have meant that as a joke but still....

"The ends never justify the means"

Is this reallly true or do we just accept it as true because it's such a popular cliche'. Don't we always do things to advance a particular goal i.e. the ends ALWAYS justify the means. I think what people mean when they say this is that certain means are so bad that they shouldn't be used even to acheive a worthy goal. But then again reasonble people can disagree about how bad the means really are as compored to how important reaching the goal is...

Food for thought


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